Sunday, June 26, 2005

To know...

How I wish I had met all those bloggers that attend the PPS bash the other night and remember the names of those that I met, but then it was just impossible to get to know all those great man and women of the Malaysian blogger world, mostly young people with great mind...The future of Malaysia in their hand... At this age, remembering names became rather difficult for us old folks...Anyway I hope those good people that I have met would seek me in the internet through my blog..I did not have the opportunity to think of what to do on arrival at the avenue...First there were the parking problem and as usual after the hassle of getting one, I did got one in a no parking area near the Bank Rakyaat parking entrance...A police patrol car arrived just about the time I was about to park my car, I went out and ask the cop whether I just could park there...He down his window and say that it would be just OK if I park without obstructing the road, a narrow one indeed...Well thanking the cop I just park my car there and went in search of the others at the party...On arrival..I saw so many people, the bloggers already in the mid of their party...I do not know where to start...So I phone Pok Ku, who earlier had phone me saying that he had already arrived...He took a taxi and that solved his transport and parking problem...Why didn't I think of that, just leave the car and take a taxi....Well that's me I guess..For I just love to drive...Well in just a moment before I got connected with Pok Ku, I saw him sitting among the young bloggers, enjoying himself...Well..I wave to him and got there before he could answer the phone and was soon introduce to Mack and the others, mostly young man and ladies bloggers. A pretty young lady stood up and say that she is Mack's wife..We shake hand and got start to talk..Chat...Yarn..Or whatever.. I took a chair and sat down and was for a moment lost among the mid of the those young man and pretty ladies that all seem talking to each other enjoying themselves....I guess all bloggers love to talk, that is why they all love to write..To blog in today's language...Amazing the young were so articulate and sharp in their thoughts, so the chat or discussion became so interactive and thought provoking that the dialog continue on and on with only the subject changes...I forgot the name of the young man sited beside me, what I know is that He is from Kuching...A bright and intelligent youth indeed and the many others that come and go, butting in with their curiosity and chat a while..A young youth with a short hair cut, almost ball, a Malay I supposed...Were another that I wish I could have known more and then the other guy that talk about the book title 'Saturday' sat beside me and continue to listen to my talk and discussion that seem endless...Beside me sat Pok Ku who seem to be in his own discussion group and enjoying himself and at the same time always asking where is his dinner, that does not seem to arrived...As for Me I had ordered a coke and just forgot about ordering dinner, for in the confusion I never got my coke but then it does not matter..The evening was so full of 'fire' and excitement that I forgot about food and the only thing that I need at that moment was a cold drink...Mack's wife tried to get one but was not successful as well...Anyway it is not a big problem...The evening was so spirited and full of energy that nothing else are important, except meeting and talking to all those great Malaysian young bloggers.. In the mid of the discussion two young ladies butt in and introduce themselves that they are for Sisters in Islam .. I am indeed happy to meet them, for I have always find their organization fascinating, an NGO by those ladies of Islam who brave move do makes the difference in the way Islam is being viewed in this multi religious country and to correct the wrong impression that are done by the over zealous 'religious' leaders and organization who try to monopolized Islam their own way...This organization have in some way became an agent to propagate the true teaching of Islam...The two ladies, Yati and the other I forgot her name [old folks often forget things and I apologized for that]...Anyway in the small chat that we have had, I did convey my support for their endless pursue for justice and hope that we could meet again....And then Pak Adib came, this time without his skull cap, he look much younger without those cap...When someone ask him why he is not wearing the skull cap, his answer was that He would feel out of place wear that at this party...I have written about this subjects at length before and it is in the archive....Well He sat there, took his toys...His PDA and a collapsible keyboard and was blogging from the site...To the amazement of the young bloggers.....At least the young bloggers should not underestimate the knowledge of this old bloggers, for they have somehow quantum leap themselves in the world of cyberspace just like the young bloggers...As the night is getting late and I had not got my dinner...Well at last my friend Pok Ku managed to get his dinner and me still without my coke.....I thought that I should call the night off, thanking everyone including Pok Ku, Mack and his spouse...Good bye to the many others....I parted with great satisfaction that the night was worth the trip....What a night the bash was...I hope there would be another one at a place much bigger and the parking much easier....Thanks friends blogger for the great time....From the Pak Blogger....


  1. derumo, thanks for the colorful is like journey of life have always been interesting, challenging and is getting more colorful day by day and I love it..the blogging and cyberspace add to the color of my life. We all should enjoy living on this blue marble.. let go for a TT some day..take care.

  2. Pak Idurs,
    It sounds like you had a wonderful time.

  3. It is with quite a pleasant surprise that I found company of people my own age in blogosphere. I'll probably be there for the next PPS bash. So much FUN you guys had..

    Talk about the golden years, in less than 3 more years I'll be joining the golden club. I've often wondered what I'd be doing, but since a nephew introduced me to this blogging world, I've become preoccupied with it. At first, I was apprehensive because I found myself sparring words with only young people and feeling out of place. Only when I found blogs like yours and "Pok Ku's" and Irong, etc that I felt more comfortable.

    I think I'll be back for more of this.

  4. Anasalwa, thanks, yes I was great.

    Ic teh, thanks,welcome to the blogger world. The golden age is real special, a period where we can take its easy and continue to enjoy life, careless of the happening in the world. Cyberspace is an added bonus for us to wonder and blogging allow us to share our thoughts with the world...making it a better place to live and enjoy life. We could plan for a TT sometime...

  5. Pak Idrus,
    That night,everyone at my table got our dinner-some took two hours to arrive.The best part,all of us have the dinners we didnot order;-)

    The new people I met and talked to are TV Smith,Aiz,IreneQ,Muzaffar,Rozman and Mr Chong.There were a few others but I couldnot recall their names.

  6. To Lc teh, Your blog site is not user friendly..I tried to communicate with you, no email address and could not find any other ways, could you send me an email, thanks.

    To Pak Adib, thanks, the PPS bash was great, I did enjoy myself..
