Thursday, January 06, 2005

Of recent, I have visited a number of blogs written by senior Malaysian like me..I am indeed glad that there are more and more senior Malaysian have taken to blogging...I personally believe we senior have knowledge to contribute to the society, not only in this country, Malaysia but the world as well...With blogging we now have the opportunity to write our thoughts and share it with the world, before that there are no such avenue for people like us to share our thoughts with others. We may have written to the local newspapers from time to time, but the space provided in local newspapers are limited, as such not much of our thoughts get printed, so the coming of the blog, is indeed a Godsend media for us to write, for cyberspace is wide indeed and reach more people then any other media, so to me blogging would help to disseminate information far and wide....After a year of blogging, I find that it has improve my writing skill, as well as being able to put my thoughts in writing...From time to time I get visitors to my Blog giving great comments, as well as asking for information, I have replied to all those that contact me and in doing that have increase the number of cyber friends from all over the world...These cyber friends eventually came in contact with me personally when they visit Malaysia and today we continued to be friends by exchanging email from time to time...In has improve the quality of my life and I am happy that I have manage to contribute in a small way in making the lives of others more meaningful as well... Our world is not perfect but it is ours to share and as human, our species have never had it so good, despite the up and down of our civilization, like the recent events, the Tsunami, we human are gifted with love and compassion and are able to works together for our common goods despite our difference in religion, race or nationalities...The happening in Iraq and for that matter in the whole of the middle east is frustrating at time and as an optimist, I thence to look to the positive side of things...For nothing comes easy and I personally believe that everything are possible to a willing mind...The happening in Iraq and Palestine look rather bleak now but if we continue to work diligently toward a better future for those people, I believe that we would see a better middle east in the not too distance future....Democracy do not develop over night, in the pain of its birth I believe that great happening awaits the future of the middle east and its people who had never really live in a democratic countries before...As I had often said before, Democracy is contagious and once it take roots in Iraq and the Palestine...It would spread like while fire to the rest of the middle east...And then only we would see the quality of life in these part of the world improving and with that we would have more peace on this blue planet of ours...It is our world to share and we shall share it in harmony... The happenings of the Tsunami though a tragedy, I believe would in the long run bring greater changes to this part of the world...I always believe that if we fall, then only we would understood the meaning of standing up...The tragedy is as sorts of a 'fall'..At this juncture of our history a great meeting of the minds of our leaders are happening in Jakarta and I believe that this is the beginning of a better world to come....Event like the Tsunami just do not happen for nothing, it has a reason, for once it jolted the human consciences to the reality of sharing this world of ours and that we all had to help each others if we want to make this world of ours a better place to live for us now, for our children and our grandchildren later on.... We have a great future in front of us....Lets all of us work toward achieving this goal....The Meeting in Jakarta today could be the beginning of a better tomorrow....

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