Wednesday, January 05, 2005

My cell phone rang at five in the morning, getting a phone call that early in the morning means that it is not an ordinary call, true enough our niece call from Kuantan saying that a cousin sister of mine has just passed away...It was not an unexpected call for she had been sick for sometimes already...We have been seeing her from time to time in hospital and she had not gotten better...Well I believe it is old age, for she is now seventy years old...Her time is up and she had been called to the Lord....Half an hour later, another cousin, her brother call and I told him that I already got the news and that I myself had not been real well and would not be able to come for the funeral...I would get to Kuantan later...In the mean time I call those relatives that I know to inform them of the news of parted relative.... Well friends that is life, just a day ago we heard hundred of thousand had died in the Tsunami tragedy...And now a relative just parted....Life is like that for we all are just passing and when the time comes, there are no waiting and we had to go, for that is how things works on this planet of ours, being born and die is part of the system and it includes our species....I pray for her parted soul and I believe that she would have a place in heaven....Al Fatihah [the first surah in the Koran] to her, .... Amen....

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