Friday, January 07, 2005

How can you not cry for all the lost in the Tsunami disaster, the death are in the hundred of thousand and so are the injured, the lost to properties would be in billions of dollar, we just could not comprehend the misery of those people that are effect by this calamity... I cried and felt the lost like I never did before...I am in my golden age, a person who have gone through life, being born in the late thirty, I have seen the second world war, where the atrocities of the Japanese in Malaya was at its worst and then the war of terror of the communist that last for twelve years from nineteen forty eight to ninety sixty one...I thought that the horror of the war and the misery of life during all those years was bad enough but what happen to those in the effected areas of this Tsunami disaster just became beyond my understanding of misery....It was just terrible....The death, the injured, the sick, the trauma. If I am in my youth I would have gone there to help in whatever way I could, but then at this age, I would just became a liability if I were to go there, instead an asset that could be used in this time of needs...But I want to help in whatever way I could... I would eventually find a way to help, that I believe I could, in a small way and my way.... I pray for those lost soul wherever and whoever they are and offer then the rich and powerful recitation of the Surah versus of the Koran, in the first Surah, the Alfatihah and the thirty sixth Surah, the Yassin.... Reciting these surah I felt good. I pray and hope that all those departed are given a place in heaven and those that are alive and suffered, stay strong and never to give up living, and continue to appreciate being alive, for this is part of living on this beautiful planet of ours that we call the Earth....Amen....

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