Saturday, January 08, 2005

Just a few days ago, at a store where I use to buy things for the house, a young lady look at me and say Hi uncle, did you remember me, a friend of your daughter Lin!, for a second I just could not recollect, the memory bank of people of our age works a bit slow then when we were young....I did recollect, it is the young lady architect, that visited our house with her spouse sometime ago, a charming lady indeed...As usual we talk and she say that her daughter knows our grandson, they happen to be at the same school...Well it is an encounter like this that makes life so beautiful, exchanging notes and talking about the good things in life, makes me really happy....They are still in their youth and I am in my golden years....I have always advice young people to acquire knowledge and enjoy life especially in their youth,for it is in this period of life that one is full of energy and imaginations, the period youth just come but once in our journey of life, so they should Makes hay while the sun shine...I have gone through life, for that matter we, my wife and me, had a wonderful youth, we were married at just early twenty in ninety sixty two...We parties together, we travel together and as we move on on our journey of life, we continue to enjoy life and socialized well with other people of our age group, on the way we acquire knowledge that we would otherwise would not find, had we just stayed at home and be contented with life just like that,life would not be that interesting... And when we retired we would travel all over the country and overseas, to enjoy the freedom of the free world....For the whole wide world is ours to explore...I found that some people do not want to venture further in their travel overseas, they would just do the little Haj or the Umrah to the Holy land after they have done the Haj, some even visit the holy land for the Umrah every years. I personally think this is not a wise thing to do, they should just do one Umrah and then venture on to see for themselves other countries on this planet. By doing so it would enrich their knowledge and understanding, that there are other people with different culture and religion out there living a high quality of life and enjoying life as they journey on....We have travel a lots and found that in has enriched our life and understand of the meaning of living. To all those young, like this charming lady that I met, you are the Now people, so enjoy and when you come to my age, you would not only have knowledge but wisdom as well thus would be able to pass on those knowledge to your children and grandchildren, at the same time would be able to tell them the great story of your adventure in your journey of life. The people especially the young should open up their mind and improve their knowledge of the world and not to be just like a Malay saying 'Katak dibawah tempurong' translated into English..Like a frog under the coconut shell...But instead open up their mind as wide as possible and accumulate as much knowledge as possible and only then they would be progressive like the others in the country, as well as those in other countries...We all can only succeed in this competitive world if we have knowledge and determination.. To the Malay youth my advice is to be careful and weary of the so called preacher who always talks about the negativeness of life, who whenever give talk on religion thence to talk more of the negativeness of life, rhetoric after rhetoric and most of the time the talk contain very little substance...Sometime youth who listen to such talk got emotionally involved and carried away and became extremists and then refuse to acquire more knowledge...Without knowledge and skill these youth would not be able to fend for themselves or get jobs...Without jobs they would withdrawal from the society at large, some would resort to drug to escape the reality of today's world and some became extremists who are against anything good that the establishment do.. Youth could be an asset as well as liability to a nation...Without knowledge and an open mind youth would be a liability not only to the race but the nation as well...So do not have a closed mind, be more open and mix well with all the sector of the society...And only with an open mind without prejudice would a youth succeed in life and became an asset to the country, if not it would just be a liability to the country...The race itself would loose in the long run...So to the youth once again I repeat that the period youth come but once in our journey of life...Do make use of this short period and accumulate knowledge and enjoy life...

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