Saturday, October 23, 2004

Well I had not been bloging for a few days already....I was somewhat rather busy, doing this and that and somehow had not being able to blog as usual...Personally I felt bad for not writing for I always felt at as lost when I do not blog..I guess the writer in me that want me to continue writing....So here am I trying to write my thoughts as I go along....I went to see my friend at the hospital again and he seem to be recovering well, I am indeed glad for that...I would love to see him writing his blog again...Well friends life is like that and sometime we had to go through an unexpected event, just like my friend...He had to go for a major heart operation, the bypass operation....Lucky now Malaysian MD's could do just that and at our own hospital...In the past one had to go overseas to do that sorts of operation and that means it cost, but with such operation being done in this country, it certainly cost less....And now it is the weekends and we had been fasting for a week already..And last evening our daughter and her children, our grandchildren were at our home to break their fast together...And of course their dad is there as well..Moslem parents try to train the young of the way to fast and some start to practise fasting at a very early age...They could start to fast for half a day and then graduate to a full day...Well it look like one of our young grandson, just eight years old did fast and He is doing well and began to understand what fasting is all about...It is not compulsory for the young to fast, but then they would be encourage to do so and with that they would learn to fast as they grow up...So this year there out of five grandchildren, three had start to do fasting and I am glad that they are beginning to get into the culture of fasting during the month of Ramadan...So today we all break fast together and it is indeed an interesting event, to see those young kids breaking their fast, first with their choice of drinks and then eating the other food, to satisfied their hunger after fasting for a day..We grand's are indeed happy to seen these children enjoying the breaking of fast...It is a passing of knowledge from one generation to another as Moslem....Glad that they are beginning to understand the way of the Ramadan....Friends...Happy Fasting....

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