Wednesday, October 20, 2004

I went to see my friend at the private hospital again today, it is one of those hospital that look like a four star hotel, It is the specialist hospital, just off the Jalan Ampang...On entering the lobby one would not realized that it is a hospital, it look like a posh hotel. At the lobby are rows of elegant shops that cater to the visitors as well as to the patients, there is even a high end coffee house....On entering the private room of my sick friend, I met the other visitors that had comes to see him recover, most of the visitors are old friends from his former employment organization and most that came are all retiree.. To me it was nice to me another one of my kind, those in the golden age... I got introduce to all of them and as usual got into conversation and we talk on subjects that just came to our minds..All look real healthy and I am indeed glad that they are all doing find and enjoying their golden age...One person, a former senior management personal at the Petronas Plants in Malacca, on hearing that We had just visited the National Park, talks of their memorable visit the park and that they had only able to makes it after retirement...Like us, they really enjoy their holiday in the National Park and hope to visit it again some other time...It is real nice to exchanges view and experiences of such visit, talking about some events that they took part and the excitement that they encounter,like going up river through the rapids, exciting to some but scary to others...makes us all at time laughed, when we thinks of what's in the mind of those in the boats at that point in times, Like us before..I was enjoying the long ride through the rapids and hope that it would continues for hours, but our spouses,the ladies on the other hand were hoping it is just a short trip and that we would reach our destination fast and then get home...But then after returning safe, we all laughed at the tension and the scary time we all have had during the trip up river... Well one thing we all agree that we all did enjoy the trip to Taman Negara, the Malaysian National Park.. Another person that I met that day is a former Air Force personal and from his business card is doing some business on his own and now live in Bangi, a town where there are many institutes of higher learning, one of which is the National University.. It look like that my friend the patient is on his way to a complete recovery, the MD's that did the operation, did it well and in just a week the patient is almost recover....I hope that after leaving the hospital, he would take time to rest and not to get into things that would create all those stress..The bypass heart operation is like being given a second chance to continue living...Well that is what science and technology and competent doctors could do to help us continue living and enjoy life....My friends..That is what life is all about...Living and enjoying it all the way...

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