Tuesday, October 26, 2004

I was at the washroom just now and an idea just pop up and then when I came out of the washroom, I forgot all about it...I wanted to write about it, for somewhat, its has in a way improve of how we organized our home...So I set down to write and trying to remember what was the idea that I just thought to write just now..According to those medical professionals, as we grew old, we people at this golden age, forget fast of the present happening, like you placed a bunch of keys after taking it to open the door but before doing just that you were interrupt and detour to do something else and without realizing it you left the bunch of keys somewhere and instantly you forgot about it...You continue to do whatever you are doing and only after finishing it did you realized that the door had not been open and then you look for those keys at the usual place and it is not there... In our house all keys are place in a basket on a table next to the telephone.... And to avoid misplaced, all keys after taken out had to be put back in this basket....So this is the rule and the ritual that comes with it and it works perfect for us...Until...Something happen or someone who takes it did not put it back after using it or just like what happen this morning...I was interrupt and without realizing it left the keys at some place.. And then when I realized it...I had to trace it and it would sometime take times to find it... Now I no longer ask my spouse about it, because she would start telling me the same old stories all over again, that is not to put the keys wherever I like and chatter along, which I just do not like...So I just kept quiet and look it for myself, it is indeed frustating not to find it sometime, only after tracing it that I would eventually find it....And felt real happy with my little adventure...Those young would laugh at this, Go on and laugh but then remember you would one day be at the same place as Me...Loosing my recent memories for a while....Well that is what old age is all about and there is a good side about the memories of Us now is that we could remember crystal clear of those happening of our childhood and the great time of our youth, those colorful years of our life...It is still crystal clear to this day and it is getting clearer...True what the medical profession have been telling us, in that when we grew old, our memories of the past would be clearer and the present is the opposite.....Ok, Now that I have remember what I had wanted to write and before I forget, let me just put the idea down now...It is about the Sink that we use to wash our hand from time to time, there are at least one in the Bathroom and one is normally setup near the dining table in most of Malaysian home...We find the sink in most washroom for the public at shopping complexes and we would just use it without realizing the important of this facilities....When we get to one, especially in public places we expect it to be spot clean and we do not want to see it wet, it look unclean if it is wet, but then there is a tap there and surely when one use it, it get wet, that is why they have sink in the first place so that when on wash their hand, the water is not spilled all over....In public places there are workers that keep this sinks clean from time to time but what about all those sinks at your home, surely you would like it to be spot clean all the time as well...Of course you do...This is what I want to talk about, keeping the sink or sinks spot clean all the time...I found a solution to do just that and I would like to share this fantastic mean of keeping it clean with all....So how do I get this idea...Well it all started when we were on a holiday in North America some years ago...We were on a tour of the Niagara Fall on the Canadian side...While there we stay at a B & B [Bed and Breakfast hotel]and as usual at a place like this we all had to use common facilities such as the bathroom and the toilets...This charming B & B is run by a man name David, a real colorful person indeed, with a personality of his own,unique and very pleasant...The B & B is well run and the interior decoration, the work of David, were just beautiful and indeed well done. We all love the way he run this place....On entering the washroom the first thing I saw just below the mirror above the sink, a small note that read 'leave the sick clean as you had just seen it, towels are under the sink'..Yes the sink is clean.. Spot clean, without a drop of water on it... I smiled after reading those small and yet effective message....So after using this sink I just did as advise by those note, I took a small towel in a cabinet below the sink and wiped the sink clean and then left and I found that every time I enter this common washroom, I always notice the sink spot clean, so it means that David's simple message works and everyone seem to be happy just doing those simple task of wiping the sink after use....On returning home to Malaysia, I took David's idea and place a small towel on a hook just beside the sinks in our home and gave instruction to all that the small towel hang on a hook beside the sink is for wiping the sink and it works perfectly till this day...Now all the sinks in our house are never seen wet again, it is always spot clean, thanks to the idea of Mr.David of the Niagara Fall, Canada...I am indeed happy that such a small thought could improve the quality of our lives, so my friends if you have this problem, do try this idea and I am sure you would be happy with the outcome of it...Remember to upkeep a home is not that easy, any simple idea that would lighten the workload of the up keeping of a home is always welcome....Have a nice day...

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