Tuesday, October 19, 2004

It has been a wet day, it rain last night so it is a bit cool this morning. It is the end of the year weather in the tropic...A bit gloomy sorts of weather, it rain, it stop and then it rain again..stop again and all of a sudden you have that glorious sun shining till evening...In a way it is great weather for a change on this fasting month..It keep the days cool....With the sun moving to southern hemisphere, the sun rise early and set early as well. In Kuala Lumpur the sun set at just past three minutes after seven in the evening, so breaking fast comes early...We break our fast at just after seven in the evening, enjoying our first meal after the fasting...It is a welcome meals and I had always enjoy breaking fast....I do it in a sorts of ritual...On hearing the Azan, that sound of the time of the Magrib prayer, as well as the sunset...I would break my fast by just having a glass of sweet cold drink,sometime it is orange juice and sometime just sweet ice tea with some sweet dates, now nowadays dates comes in various varieties, from the fresh to the dried one, imported during this month from the middle eastern countries and north Africa i.e.. from Iran to Saudi to Tunisia and Morocco and the Mediterranean countries ....I love those dates, it is one of those fruits I like best during the breaking of the fast...After this short entries of the breaking of the fast...I do the Magrib prayer and after that would sit to have the real meals of Rice and some other dishes....I tried not to eat too much but just right so that I would be able to do the Tarawih Prayer later on at the local Mosque... Usually at this meal my wife would accompany enjoying the breaking of the fast....We ate slowing and enjoy the meals...And then with a cup of hot coffee, another of my favorite drink...I sat to watch the TV while enjoying my coffee with some sweet cakes or nuts to company....I tried to relax after the meals and just watch the News or other entertaining program, to while the time away before going to the mosque to do the congregation tarawih Prayer... The mosque is just about five minute drives away and usually during the first week of Ramadan the mosque would be full of people attending the tarawih Prayer, which started just after the Isyak Prayer.. It is a sorts of a recreation activities during the evening during the month of Ramadan, it is a collective of short congregation prayer done in a group of eight prayer a session. Tarawih prayer is only performed during the fasting month,,Ramadan.... At just after eight in the evening, I would leave for the mosque, sometime my wife and two of our teenager granddaughter would follow.. Otherwise I would go alone, with my wife doing the tarawih at home... Tarawih is an optional prayer..So it is a choice to every Moslem... The Tarawih prayer would last till ten thirty if one follow through all the prayers sessions ...But one could do a short session and leave just after nine thirty...I normally do just the short eight prayer session [rakaa] one and be back home by nine thirty....To relax further, to blog or to read the newspaper or of religious books or whatever that had to be done.. Or just do nothing...Relax and watch the TV or listen to some good music. The fasting month in a way changes our living culture, we do not go out shopping or go on a holiday during this whole month, instead most of the time we would just stay at home and indulge more in social and religious activities...The changes that happen for a period once in a year is really good for the human in us, making us more aware of the spiritual aspect of us as human being, for we human are a spiritual being and spirit need be nurture as well, so that it progress in harmony with the other human development....We are going through life now facing many challenges, so to progress we all had to acquire new knowledge both for the consumption of the spirit as well as the other faculties of our good self... During the Fasting month every Moslem have to bring themselves to on an equal equilibrium on all aspect, he had not only to fast from eating during the day, he had to be fasting from all other aspect of his senses, like not seeing things evil or could contribute to evil doing. He/She should behave themselves at all time and be good to all the living and non living on this earth... In a words a Moslem should be a total good person all the time especially during this month of Ramadan... Fasting teaches us to be a well discipline person, in a way the month of Ramadan remind the human in us, if ever we make mistake, to correct ourselves and come back to our senses and back to the teaching of the Koran, that is to be a good person on this good earth....My friends it is indeed a simple reminder, a period in a year, for us to reflect and thinks hard of our past doing and achievements and with that improve our life and the lives of our fellow being as we proceed on in life......

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