Thursday, November 06, 2003

Receive an email from a friend from the east coast, it was a long emal describing of her predicament, for she was in hospital for a month and we did not know about it, well... we thought that 'no news is good news', but in this case it was not a good news at all, she and her family are real good of friends of ours, came to know them when we were living in Kuantan sometimes in the late eighties. It was indeed sad to hear of such news from such a fine lady and a very healthy one too, we never thought that she would ever get sick, may be a bit of a headache or the like but not to be confined to the hospital for a months!!....and according to her she is ok now and on the way to complete recovery, well we pray and hope that she would recover soon and be running again like before, a real active lady, I guess it is the Arab's gene in her that make her full of energy and us all her children have grown up and except for one or two, the rest have gone to do their things in their youth... further study and the sorts in other places. well Fad.... We are indeed sorry to hear of this episode of you life....but that is life, we all never know what is going to happen next, and at the same time glad to know that you are back in the comfort of your home, a great home on that beach of yours, I envy you for having that home with a beach front and river near by, it is everyone's dream to have such a home, you are among the lucky few....well we all can only dream....but you have it all and enjoying every minute of it....Your home is a great place to recover, so take it easy, enjoy a little and I am sure you would be back to square one like before, may be this is a hicc'up in the journey of life or a time to read the ' interview with God' on my webblog and it might do you some good.....Kak As... and me wish you well, have a nice day.....

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