Wednesday, November 05, 2003

Well let me talk about moving houses, I guess many of us some time or others have move houses, that is the nature of thing, we human move from one habitat to another from time to time, sometime are of our choice and sometime because we had to, well... we human would love to stay put and do not want to part with our home except occasionally, for the love of traveling and to see new places, if possible we do not want to move at all, but ii is just impossible especially when we are working for an organization and in the midst of one's career and one is ask to be transferred to another place and for promotion sake one had to go, so the move began, as for me I have move many times and find it not that difficult when you are just start to have home, most of the times you do not have much things to move around, so it is just easy, you just pack your things and off you go, rent an apartment and settle down and that's it, no problem..... but as your children began to grow and you began to settle in a semi permanent home, you would soon accumulate more and more things, buying new furniture and other necessities to make your house a home, so you start to accumulate things and hardly your realized, you have so many things that you like and would not part with it, even if you had to move again. Well it happen to me, I love all those thing that I had bought from my teen age's days, like the old seventy eight record, the one that play great music on a turntable, I still have many of the these old music records and have kept them ever since, I would not part with it..... the same things with my book, since I first bought a book, I have always kept it and today at this golden age, I have accumulate thousand of books in my personal library, I just could not part with all those books and the music record that I use to listen in my teen and now great to hear from time to time..... well you can say it is nostalgic and it bring back sweet memories of my youth.... it was great for I had a wonderful time in my youth,..... to the present generation my advise is that.... makes full use of your youth for your life as a youth come only once and there are no way you could relieved those great days....You know what I have decided to keep my old Sony Beta VCR and a National VHS VCR for the future, so are with the few set of cel phone that I have, still in good condition but out of model, so I kept this too, in the years to come, may be not in my life time, it would be great antique and would be sought after by antique hunter, how I wished that I had kept the newspaper of bygone days in my youth especially for the issue when my children was born, it would be interesting to see those newspaper again, so now I try to keep some of those thing that would be useful in some way for the future might say it is the crazy old man idea eh....., well at this age some time we think of what we should have done but did not, so I guess that it would be wise to keep something for the next generation, some people who have land plant durian [king of the fruits] trees and their grandchildren and great grandchildren would enjoy the fruits of their labor, but I do not have such land, so no durian trees....some useless gadget that would be of value for the future......Crazy idea it may be.....but it is fun and I enjoy doing it at this age.....and keep collecting, like my friend Hendry of Pucuk Rebung and look what happen, it has made a museum of it and he is enjoying every minutes of it.....have a nice day.....

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