Friday, November 07, 2003

It is Friday, a bright morning with blue sky, so I sat on my flat rooftop patio and enjoy the morning sun, it is indeed nice to feel the sun ray which is rather mild in the early morning as well refreshing, well the sun....our source of energy, how great it would be if we human could harness this energy directly and not through a third party source like we are doing is an interesting thoughts that makes me to start thinking of this noble how and when do I get this idea of trying to get the energy directly from the sun.....well it all start when I was attending an invitation to a dinner in our daughter friend's house in New Haven, USA. We all had vegetarian dinner that night and it was real good and delicious, I was not aware that those dishes were vegetarian, had I am not told of it, I would have just taken it just like any great dishes and enjoying it... it was a sort of a 'chilly' like dish and a young American youth did the cooking, when asked, he say he is a vegetarian and later on I found that most of those youth that attend the dinner were vegetarian as well, some just became vegetarian quite recently....well they all are student doing their master study in environment and forestry and in the course of their study, they somehow got converted to be a usual I asked how is that they decided to become vegetarian and here the answer lies..... as to the relation between the sun and the energy that we use....according to them that it is the plant that first convert the sun energy into another energy source that we human could consumed and got the energy from the sun since our body by itself could not convert the sun energy like the plants do.....well we all know that.... it is the plant that convert energy from sun and the rest we all know too well what happen....but we all never thoughts like that....we just assume that it is the nature of way of things...the plants convert the sun energy, the animals eat the plants and got the energy and we eat the animals and got the energy and on and on the food chains.....well why do we have to go all the trouble to get to the energy via those process, we could just get all the energy by just eating vegetable and other plants to get all the nutrition that are needed for us to survived, our forefather did and they survived.....Anyway that is that and now we all began to like eating white and red meat as well, so life soon became more complex, just because we have a choice, if not we would have stick to being a vegetarian like our forefathers and things would be different we the present situation......what would we do next.... it is anybody guesses.....we human would always find a way to survive......thanks to the energy of the sun......

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