Saturday, November 15, 2003

.....Cat, I guess we all love cats, it is adorable and loving, but we never heard the phrase or saying that we use to describe dog...."Dogs are man's best friend"....We have no such phrase or words describing this loving creature of ours, we keep cats and continue to give our love to this domesticates cats........Why is that dogs got the best man's friend description whereas our dear cat, are just 'great' 'good' 'charming' and on and on, but no........ Human have refuse to give any credit to this pets of ours...Any way I think the cats does not mind all this......The reason I guess we all know too well.......The story goes that cats came from another planet and while on the planet they use to send mission to the blue planet earth and there they saw dog everywhere and being trained to do many things for their master, man....well man found it is easy to train dogs then any other animals on the planet and soon with all the training dogs began to obey all the instructions and order by their Master....As usual we human love giving order and take control of thing and soon dogs would do any thing for their human master and in return man give food and love to the dogs.....All these time the cats watch with interest this happening on earth and eventually they decided to migrate to this planet earth......on arrival they were chase by the dogs and had a difficult time, but since they can ran fast and also could climb, they managed to escape and eventually the dogs gave up...but as we all know too well that dog would always chase cat whenever cat is seen, so we have the saying..... 'like cat and dog'..... The cats had a meeting and they found a way to get around this problem.....they decided to makes friend with man, the master of the dog and with their intelligent they managed to capture the heart of man and soon man began to give their love to the cats but unlike the dogs man could not make the cats to do any work or to obey orders...but because the cats were keep giving love to man whenever it likes and soon man was taken over by the cats....And eventually these cats start giving order to man......and in return give all the love to man whenever it likes......soon this type of relationship blossom and man continue to love and feeds the cats, despite the cats refuse to do any work for man, like the dogs...Who who fetch newspaper, or catch stick that are thrown to them and the like..... but no way, the cat would not do all those things except playing whenever they like to and not under any command by this is how the cat came to earth and conquered the human till this day.....Smart eh!! Those cat.... They soon became the boss in the home with the human and the dog doing all the works for them.....Those of us who have cats in the house would surely know that we cannot makes the cats do anything that it do not want to do, it would come and sit on your lap when it want to or are put by us, they would surely not come if call upon to sit on the lap or obey any instruction, like, sit, stand and dance or chase some stick thrown away to a distance and to fetch the stick and bring it back to us.... no way, the cats would not do it, like dog did to its owner, cat thinks that they are the Boss, so they act like one, we the human are the one that had to obey their every directive, like when they meow..... Asking for food or the sand is wet and dirty and had to be change......and when they want to show love, they would be the one that would jump into your laps and show affection, truly they are one of a kind..... proud and always bossy......the cats are indeed a smart creature.....and they show it their way and despite all those bossiness we all still love cats......Since life on this planet are so good they have decided to migrate wholesale to this planet and taken over own homes and cities as their home.......And the dog keep obeying orders given by their master, the Man and the Man keep obeying the order by the Cat, the Big Boss.......Well I think we human are not that smart after all..... the cats are actually smarter then us..........Purr............

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