Sunday, November 16, 2003

........We always have cats as part of the family and enjoy having them around the house, it all start when the children were small and growing up, they would pick a stray cat and bring it home, so we as parent would take care of it and eventually it became part of the extended family....The Malay did not like to keep dog, so the cat is the next best animal to have around and the cat stay......When I was posted to Sarawak we did not bring our cats, so for a while we did not have cats in our house....we did not have to wait long before some stray cat would walk into the house and we took pity of it and eventually adopt it to be our pet, and some time later on another came and we took him as well, so now we have two, a male and a female usual they grew up to a beautiful and fluffy cat....and it continue to stay with us all the while when we are in Sarawak, then I was transferred to Pahang, at first we decided not to bring along the cats to Kuantan but as the day for our departure getting closer, we felt sad, we knew we just could not left this cats that had been with us for almost three years, be left behind in Sarawak, so we decided take it with us to Kuantan and for that we had to get some sort of a passport for both cats since transporting animals across the sea to Peninsular Malaysia is prohibited unless we have document to prove that the animals are healthy......we did all the papers and brought both the cats to Kuantan but unfortunately after a few months in Kuantan both cats died and for once we were left without cat....well we live on and then a neighbor gave us a beautiful mix Persia cat, so we took it and when we eventually move to Kuala Lumpur we took it along and raised it in our home in Kuala Lumpur, it soon became a part of the family.....And this cat die of old age later on...since that time we decided not to have cat anymore......and life goes on as usual but without the cats....We eventually got use to not having pet...we switch to gardening and now we spend our spare time growing some greens and flowers.....As a person who love cats, I can assured others that cat is indeed a good pet to have around, it is loving and a great therapy when depress....It help when you have a loving cat to be around in time of need..... Some time this bossy cat do help to keep us sane........

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