Friday, November 14, 2003

Well I went out to buy another cel phone today, it is not that I did not have a cel phone, I do in fact have two, one for me and another for my wife, the reason I went to buy another one is that the one my wife is using is out of date, I meant the model is out of date, it is an old Nokia, still in good working condition, the one that is black in color and have antenna, it is considered obsolete now and too big to carry along now a day, although when it was first introduce it was a cel phone that one would want to brag so small at that time, that was about two years ago, but now cel phone that have antenna is considered out of date and people felt shy to carry it along, the new model is much smaller and has no antenna and have many features and ringing tone, beside it has Multiple language usage, English, Malay and the Chinese language......One is considered out of place if one does not have or carry one, in Malaysia it is a norm that one carry a cel phone now... when someone ask for your phone number, it is the cel phone number is the one they meant and not the fix line telephone number.......what a change, where once it is difficult to get a fix line telephone into one's house now a day, telephone company advertise to get user to use fix telephone....When the cel phone was first introduce in this country the unit was bulky, the size of an attache case, it is heavy and the life span's of the battery is so short that one had to re charge it frequently...and it take two person to carry if you are taking it out door....the year then was nineteen eighty six, I was then working in the state of Sarawak and since at that time fix telephone was not available everywhere in the remote part of the country, government officer would carry a cel phone call Atur when they went on an extension services to the rural area, and this Atur cel phone was at that time a Godsand communication instrument, but now with the advance of technology in computer and miniaturization, the phone has became so small and easily carry as part of the user basic carry on, with a longer battery life span's, it has became so useful to use anywhere and any time of the day. In Malaysian today the whole country is covered by transmission of cel phone, so to Malaysian it is a part of there daily communication tool, the cel phone, they now cannot do with out it.....even children now carry cel phone to the school, as for the teenagers, in this country almost every young person carry a cel phone, it has became a sort of a toy to have with all the time, it is estimated that in Malaysia today there are about fourteen million set of cel phone, that mean except for the kids, everyone of Malaysian at least have a cel phone......The cel phone has indeed make communication much easier and in a way have increase productive of the Malaysian work force......Now more new model are coming our way, there are now cel phone that one could take moving picture and send it to friends locally and overseas, another aspect of the cel phone that has became popular is the SMS [Short Message Service]......this is indeed a fun way of sending message to others without bothering the receiver, other then that there are many music tone available to user and one has only to download it through the internet or the phone itself to get any music tone one like at a small fee....Well to get the new phone that I am looking to replace the old one use by my spouses, I decide to scout around for the best price and eventually found one that fit my budget, it is a small Nokia and I guess we would use it for a while until the model became absolute.......Well that is part of the story of the coming of the cel phone into our life style....that I believe is progress...we Malaysian have actually quantum leap into this new world of cel cannot leave home without one....the cel has become part of the Malaysian culture .....Communication have never been that easy.....the cel phone a Godsend tool for the benefit of mankind....

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