Thursday, November 25, 2010

Under the weather...

I have been slow in my blogging for a simple reason I had been under the weather lately. It started with a bad stomachache that got worse in the early hours of Friday, so got myself admitted at the nearest hospital for treatment. Since I am not the one who could stay at such an enclosed space in more than three days I decided to get home and continue the treatment from there. I am now taking a rest, ate a proper diet and continue to take the given medicine in a better atmosphere than the hospital, where looking at the greens of my garden alone bring relief and joy and that help in the recuperating process. At this age sickness just comes without notice and I am taking it just a day a time.

Have a nice day.


  1. Idrus,
    Elena and I are shocked and saddened by your news of your illness. We trust that you will soon get over whatever the problem is. Concerned though that you took matters into your own hands and left the hospital before your treatment was completed, although I can well understand your preference to be in the more pleasant surroundings of your own home. Please be sure to follow your doctor's recommendations while you recuperate at home.

    Looking forward to learning that you are better soon.

    Al the best.

  2. Louis, thanks for Elena and your concern. Much appreciated. I am recuperating well indeed and now under the care of my daughter and son in law, both MD, who at that time was doing the Haj in Mecca. They have returned and would take care henceforth. Take care.

  3. Jewelle4:11 pm

    Hi Pak, take care and get well soon. Looking forward to your stories.

  4. Surprised and saddened by the news.. Hopefully..everything will be OK soon..your health I mean..

  5. Jewelle, thanks for the visit and the wishes, well I am doing alright now and moving on. It is just one of those things in the golden age sakit from time to time.

    Have a nice day and take care.

  6. Wan Sharif, thanks for your concern. Appreciated. Nak buat macam mana orang tua macam tulah, sakit sakit orang tua. Anyway I am OK now.

    Have a nice day and take care.

  7. Assalamualaikum Pak Idrus

    Bagaimana dengan keadaan kesihatan Bapak sekarang? Moga sudah pulih apatah lagi setelah menyaksikan keindahan alam alam flora yang ada disekeliling rumah. Indah dan asri sekali.

    Jaga kesihatannya ya Pak Idrus

  8. mamadou, thanks for the visit and concern about my health. Well I am recovering and hope to get better soon. Sakit orang tua maca ni lah, Sakit perut aje dan dah semboh. Cuma tenaga je kurang dan making pulih.

    Take care.

  9. Hope that you fully recovered by now.

    May God continue to bless you with health for many years to come!

  10. Martin Lee, thanks for the visit and the concern; appreciate it. Have a nice day.
