Friday, November 26, 2010

A bright Friday morning...

Woke up to a beautiful Friday morning and I took a walk outside the house and enjoy the fresh air and watch the insects enjoying it morning breakfast on the nectar of the yellow flowers. I felt good. That freshness of the morning air and sun make me happy. I met my neighbor and the Mobil market vendor, chat awhile with them and then took my camera and snap those images about. I did enjoy those flowers and it does made my day. As they say flowers is the keeper of our joy. How true. Have a nice day folks.


  1. Pak Idrus,
    Today is a bit cloudy and pretty nice to bike around for relaxing excercise. In Amanputra a slight drizzle after the Friday prayers was definitely very cooling.
    Definitely love those flowering plants gracing your house.

  2. Glad to know you are up and about

  3. Pak Zawi, thanks for the visit and sharing your thought on the subject of this posting. Well I love gardening and tried to use whatever available space to plant flowers. I am glad that you enjoy those flowers.

    Have a nice day.

  4. Wan Sharif, thanks for the visit and yes I am up and going but still not as healthy and getting better by the day. Have a nice day.
