Saturday, June 14, 2008

A beautiful home in Houston...

Wake up to a beautiful morning here in Houston, Texas. The sun was shinning bright on this beautiful enclave where we are now staying on this short holiday in Texas. Our nephew and his charming spouse and their kids are living here. He has been working and living here off and on for almost ten years already, thus they have adapted well to the living culture in this part of the world. These are the new breed of Malay that now roam the world working and living, as well as raising their kids in a totally new environment that their forefather never thought of. Pursuing their dreams for a better quality of lives.

In those days we thought that only those folks from the west would go and work in faraway land but now it is our people that are doing that. To me it is indeed a great development of the mindset of Malaysian especially so of the Malay. Like all expatriate do, they live in a sprawling gated community. In a well furnished home in this housing complex which I believe was developed for fine living. With his spouse ingenuity and love for fine living they have transformed their home in Houston into a luxurious living space. His spouse whom we refer to as just BJ love things of beauty and fine living, thus you see a home taken care of with love and passion.

These are some images of their home and I believe you would agree with me that they do have great taste. The interior deco indeed would want you to be at home all the times. Since me and my spouse too love fine living, we are indeed at home here in this home in Houston, Texas. Would write more about our holiday here and in the mean time folks, have a nice day.


  1. Wow! Fine-living indeed, Pak Idrus. The house is even better than some featured in home-decor magazines. I feel quite poor now. :(

    Are the house-plants and flowers around the house real and fresh? I particularly like the bird-of-paradise.

  2. Pak Idrus,
    Agree fully with the WOW! from Rita Ho. Now others will have to look up at people like your son in Houston and Pakpayne and Fudzail in Dubai who are among those successful Malay expatriates. I was most surprised when they released the figure that Malays constitute the majority of those who migrated overseas. Now I know why.
    Most recently I found my old schoolmate who now resides in England. He came to my blogsite looking for informations about our oldschool mates. He is another example I guess.

  3. Anonymous4:43 pm

    Wow, that indeed is such an elegant & beautiful home! I too just luv decorating my home.

  4. Anonymous4:44 pm

    Forgot to ask, do they have maids to maintain that huge house?

  5. rita, thanks for the visit. Yes it is because of education that they got to live in such a fine home and enjoying it.

    BJ the spouse of our nephew love to do interior deco, thus the beautiful home that you saw.

    Have a nice day.

  6. zawi, thanks for the visit and the kind words, as well as sharing your thoughts of the Malay expatriates.

    These are a new breed of Malay that now roam the world and enjoying doing it. BTW, He is my nephew and not my son, I did not have a son. All girls in the family.

    Have a nice day.

  7. sheela, thanks for the visit and the kind words.

    Well, it is how you do it that made the differences between a house and a home. With a little ingenuity and a love for fine living, voilĂ  you got yourself a beautiful home.

    As for maid, yes they got an Indonesian maid whom they take along from Malaysia. I found that the maid is such a wonderful lady and did enjoy living there.

    Have a nice day.
