Monday, May 26, 2008

Malaysian Artistes For Unity....

Friends, I found this wonderful site - Malaysian Artistes For Unity at Steven and thought that it would be wise to spread the words around. So do have a look and I am sure like me you would enjoy this site. Have a nice day.


  1. Sdr Idrus
    Thnaks for the melancholy Semalam di Malaysia. Refreshing and soothing. Congratulation for the many articles you have written. This is my initial visit and will come again. InsyaAllah

  2. Sdr Idrus,
    It's really beautiful to read as well as to be soothed by yr 'Satu Malam di Malaysia'
    I congratulate you for the interesting articles, style and presentation. This is my initial visit and surely will call again. InsyaAllah

  3. kotastar[8:54AM], thanks for the visit and the kind words on my postings.

    Well, at this age, with all the time in the world the best is to share our thoughts with the society. We folks in our golden age have much to give in term of knowledge for we have travel the roads before on our journey of life.

    Have a nice day.

  4. kotastar[9:05AM], thanks again for the visit.

    I am indeed glad that you love the 'Semalam di Malaya'. Sure it is nostalgic and it brings back good memories. I personally hope that the friendship which start in cybersphere would let to the physical meeting. It happened to me many times before and I do hope we could meet especially with someone for Alor Star.

    Have a nice day and take care.

  5. Looks like Zawi has got himself a new toy!

  6. svlee, thanks for the visit. Well, the boy in us need toys to enjoy living. So Zawi got one and it look like he is going to enjoy his new toy. Have a nice day.

  7. Dear PI,

    I would love to be part of a more united Malaysia. History shows that art is the best platform to reach the old and young.

    Thank you for your postings.

  8. all-in-one, thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on a united Malaysia.

    Agreed that we all should play our parts in the realization of that Malaysian Dream. We have broken the spell that had been with us for the last fifty years. March 8,2008 is the beginning of a new era for our country.

    Have a nice day.
