Saturday, June 09, 2007

Selamat Pengatin Baru Pak Lah.

Well, our Prime Minister Abdullah Hj.Ahmad Badawi is getting married today. It is his second marriage. His first wife Endon was called to the lord a few years ago, of cancer. I am indeed glad that he is marrying again. For a leader should have a lady around to take care of him. As we all know too well the first lady do play a role in the man's life. Especially so He is the Prime Minister of a country. So Selamat Pengantin Baru Pak Lah and may you be happy always and that this marriage would give you an added aspirations to continue giving this country of ours a quality leadership.

The image above taken in the early seventies, showed me and Pak Lah when he was the Director of Youth and I am the Assistant Director. I work under his leadership in the Youth Division of the Ministry of Culture, Youth and Sports, for more then five years. From 1972, until the time he left to go full time in politic in 1978. Have a nice day.


  1. Selamat Pengantin Baru to Pak Lah .

    I'm glad he found himself a wife ....finally got himself hitched .During the installation of our YDP Agong recently ( which I saw via RTM1), Pak LAh looked so lonesone ..and I really felt for him .

    There's no more " Are You lonesone Tonight ? " for Pak Lah .

  2. dancy, thanks for the visit and the comments. Well life is like that. We all hopes the best for them. take care.

  3. Pak Idrus,

    Very well said in your wishes for our PM. We can only pray our PM will live up to his slogans.

    So proud you were at one time involved in youth and sports which was during our golden era.

    Those were the days our national athletes were our role models. They entered the arena with so much pride and honour.

    Those days also, our sports were built on the foundation of grassroots, i.e. via clubs. Today clubs have a different connotation referring to elites.

    People formed clubs spontaneously for the love of the sports. Today, it's all abt money.

  4. hi&lo thanks for the visit and that thoughtful comments. Well I think he is lucky to get to marry someone he already knew for sometimes already. At this age it is not easy to start life all over again. And it is at this age that man need the other partner the most. We need not only a wife but a friend who care and a lover as well. A tall order indeed. As for the seventies it is a different era and we all had our days. Thanks again and have a nice day.

  5. Wah Pak Idurs, tampak kacak sekali ya bersama-sama Pak Lah:))

  6. anasalwa, thanks for the visit and the comment. Well, tu 33 tahun yang lalu, That's what a thirty something look like during those hays days. Have a nice day.

  7. I didn't know that you worked together with the present PM once upon a time!

  8. damelehrer, thanks, well it is one of those days when we were in our thirties. We are still friends. Met him at the time when Endon was called to the lord. Well its the destiny of people. Good for him. Dame have a nice day and take care.
