Thursday, January 19, 2006

Of brownies and little Azib....

Thank you Atuk [grandpa] say little Azib to me when I handed him the Brownies that he had ask for.... I was at their house just at noon and as usual Azib the youngest grandchild is jumping around and happy to see me arriving.... I brought among other things some seedless grape and it all washed up and ready to eat... I told him that it is nice but he had something else in his little mind. He just want the Brownie instead... He may had planned all this early.... So I told him that I would get it later and then went out to get the brownie at the bakery nearby...... He was real delighted to get what he wanted... Brownies with hazelnut... And as I was about to leave he came running saying "Thank You Atuk".... I just smile and was about to bid him "Bye", when He started to say something more to me.... In his little English that he had learned.... He say "Atuk when I say Thank You, you must reply with "You are Welcome".... He smile that great smile that he always does as He say those beautiful words... I was surprise and taken aback and I smile, a smile of happiness..... For once I am lost as what to say... In fact my memory was jolted back in times to the event that happen sometime ago, when our petite Adibah, his elder sister say thank you to me just like he just did today.... I never expect that He would expect an appropriate reply from me when He say Thank You!!... Adibah must have taught Him this.... That small talk by this little kid really makes my day... I was real happy in that he has learn to say the right thing at the right moment...For he is just three years plus.. We adult sometime just took things for granted.....I drove back smiling and proud that our little boy is learning fast in these ever changing world....I relate this interesting episode to my spouse, his grandma and She smile with happiness as well..Indeed these are moments in our live that makes living so beautiful and wonderful.... Happening like these makes you wonder of the ever changing environments that our grandchildren are living now.... And I guess we miss all these little events when we were bring up our children and only when we are in our golden age and with grandchildren that we began to see these manifestations of love from our own...Which was all the time were there while they were growing up and we might have missed it and only now when grandchildren did that, we not only see it with our eyes but our hearts as well.... That my friends is living and it continue to color your live as you journey on....It is never a dull day if you look and notice those small events that happen as we go by.....Have a nice day....


  1. Pak Adih,
    It was one of those precious moments that stay in your memory for a long time. it brings the smile on your face when you think about it. You know you did 'awight'.

  2. Pak Idrus, thousand apologies.

  3. Ana, it is alright, it is just a slip of the fingers, not the fault of the mind... that incident, true, it really being back the smile whenever I think of it...take care.
