Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A guarded expectation......

Well today I thought that I should write about this episode of my life...It happen at the end of last year....I believe like everyone else, especially those in their golden age, a news of a visit from a close friend is indeed a welcome one. You would be real happy when friends say that they are coming over for a holiday with you... At this age with wisdom on our side we always wish that everything would be well but at the same time we guarded our expectation with wisdom...You know with the wisdom you now have, in real life things does not always work like it should or would, so do not expect too much lest we would be disappointed if it did not materialized.. It is best the we just keep thing in its prospective, just like that and hope the that things would works as planned....Well, it all started when I received emails from a close friend of ours.., The contents of the emails were rather optimistic in nature...He being my classmate of the forties and fifties while schooling in Kuantan, now working in the paradise somewhere in the East.....Naturally we are delighted of such visit...He has been in the hospitality industries all his life and had retired and for some reasons after a lapse in his retirement days, he landed himself with a job to managed a sprawling Holiday Resort in a paradise of a sort... The offer was too good for him not to accept although he had retired and had plan to takes its easy with life after retirement, just like me...He is of the same age like me and at that age we are supposed to stop working and enjoy life.... I am told that he took to the new job like fish to the water...He love the hospitality business and now he is spending his golden age in this paradise...Living like the rich and famous in the resort...And being paid to do just that... What a lucky guy this friend of mine!!.. Well some people are born luckier then others....So the trip to Malaysia and having a holiday with us was supposed to be just one of those things that us old folks do, just do what we like, the way we like it...Since I love to drive, I would do the driving and He would just play tourist for a change....We together with our spouse would go for a trip to nowhere, like drive to any places that are nostalgic to us...And enjoy....What a way to go and enjoy life.....And then a few days after Christmas I received a call from Him...Actually the call was first from his spouse to my spouse. While they were talking I sense that the trip has been called off and then when I spoke to Him He say in a simple word that they just could not makes the trip this time and would do it some time later....Well to me it is OK for somehow I already knew that the trip would not materialized, for just a day ago I 'received' a sort of a indication that this trip to nowhere would not happen. As usual I just kept it to myself and took it easy...Perhaps my guardian angel had pass by and drop a hint to me, like so many times before, I just could not explain!!!... Well as I had said before life is like that... At this age we all have to takes things easy lest we would be depress and as we all know being depressed is not healthy at this age... So I just forget about it and continue with my life and the daily ritual as usual.....Well friends we had planned to go on a trip to nowhere and indeed it turn out to be really a trip to nowhere!!!...What else could we ask for... Have a nice day....


  1. Yup...life is like that...takes things easily...you'll be happy.

  2. yan, thanks for visiting, have a nice day..
