Saturday, November 26, 2005

From Mata Mata to Polis...

The local newspaper reports of anger from Malaysian of what just happen New Straits Times.. Well it is to be expected.... I hope the Police would put things right quickly so that things would get to normal again... As a person that saw the transformation of a humble policing unit that was formed during the colonial era by the British...I do appreciate all the good work that our policemen and women have been doing all these while...First it was just know as Mata Mata [translate into English it means Eye Eye]...It is supposed to be the Ears and Eyes of the colonial master... So at that time the society were not that friendly with the Mata Mata but as the country develop the Mata Mata was change to just Polis in the national language...It soon transformed itself into a people friendly institution and with that the society at large soon appreciate what the Polis were doing for them...But like any institution the society soon took the existence of this very important institution as just always been there, to create the peaceful atmosphere that we all took for granted now.... We all should realized that the Polis is a very important institution of our society for without them I doubt we would really have the peace in the country like now....The police in this country have play many roles in bringing peace to this country...It was the Polis Hutan [Police Field Force] that together with the Army that fought the communist terrorist insurgents in the forties until the early sixties...Many good men and women were lost in these fight and after independence they continue to play a very important role in keeping the peace in this multi cultural country, for without them I do not think we would be able to walk the street in peace like we do now...In any institution especially with hundred of thousand members, there surely be some black sheep or bad apples...But we all should not forget that are more good policemen and women doing their jobs diligently then the few bad one...So in these time of finger pointing, where the few have tarnished the good reputation of the police...I believe we all should continue to support our Police and not to be distracted with some of the bad moment in the history of this great institution of ours.... The Royal Malaysian Police or the PDRM [Polis Diraja Malaysia]....To all the good people that makes the PDRM do proceed on and let me assure you all that we really appreciate what you are doing in trying to keep the peace and harmony in this country...Personally I thanks those hard working cops that sweats in the sun just so that we may be able to drive with pleasure on our streets and roads and to all the other cops whether in uniform or plain clothes that are out there keeping the peace for us all....We Malaysian should not forget that it is because of the good work of our policemen and women that we all could go to sleep every night with peace and not to worry upon waking up, thus managed to go on making a living to support our families and love one days in and days out in peace....So to all the Policemen and Women, Terima Kasih [Thank You ]...

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