Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Changing of the guard...

Well today we saw the changing of the guard in Germany, one of the largest economy in Europe...This time a lady took over the leadership of this country that had for a long time been in the hand of the male of our species...... She is the conservative leader Angela Merkel [BBC news], who was today elected as the new Chancellor of Germany, the first lady to held this post....It is indeed an interesting development and we all hope that she would give Germany the leadership that the country need now.... Once Great Britain had a lady leader in Margaret Thatcher,...the Iron Lady they call her, who lead her country to a new height...Could we expect leaders such as Hillary Clinton or Condoleezza Rice to be the next President of the United State!!...Well anythings are possible now that those ladies that was given the leadership role in the past, like in the states of Israel, Great Britain and now Germany have pave the way for women to play a more pivotal role in the country political leadership.... They have shown that they are as capable as their male counterpart in the leadership role of a country... Well America.. Would we see a lady as the next president of the USA.?....

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