Tuesday, May 31, 2005

The Serambi....

The Serambi or a sort of a patio, is always part of the traditional Malay house...It is built out front of the house, thus it is actually a place outside the main house...A place where folks would sit to chat and yarn in the evening till late night without disturbing the others inside the house...I had this specially built for wanting the feeling of a traditional home that I once live during my childhood...In modern home this special function space have been totally left out, what a lost to the tradition.....What I did was just to give me the environment of the kampong [village] that I once live.... Now this space is love by all who visit my home...And friends would rather sat there and chat rather then getting into the house proper...The Serambi...That my friends is the wisdom of the old....They do know how to enjoy life....Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello

Posted by Hello


  1. pak idrus.... your hse is really cool....

  2. Thanks Shidah, do drop in sometime.

  3. Anonymous4:10 pm

    huyyoo.... kemasnya. Mesti cucu2 Pak Idrus jenis2 berdisiplin. I used to enjoy lepaking at my serambi until a couple of katak bulan keep on dropping in & sometimes play hide & seek somewhere near the book cabinet or flower pots. Yuckss and yes I hate them!!!

  4. Zer, thanks, we taught our children to love the arts and the appreciation of all things arts, now our children just carry on with the tradition, so dah sampai ke cucu [it has pass down the grands], it is for the love of all things arts that whats makes our life so beautiful.. Life would be dull indeed without all those things of beauty...

  5. Anonymous2:51 pm

    pak idrus,

    really admired your serambi and would love to view more but the problem is when we click the hello icon, we cannot go further...nice job.

  6. anonymous, thanks, all the pictures should appear without clinking..BTW which browser you are using IE or Firefox, if you cannot get using IE try download Firefox and I believe you could view it or vise versa..thanks.

  7. babaummi, thanks for visiting, there are only 3 pic on the blog, re the volvo classic would communicate more later, have a nice day.

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