Sunday, May 29, 2005

A journey....

Sometime thing happen just like that on one's journey of life...Like everyone on this planet, I journey on and enjoying every minutes of the journey..Some scene remain the same but most keep changing.. On every journey I never found any scene monotonous... Like always, it has been colorful...God have create this gorgeous earth and gave us Love, so that we may enjoy its to the fullest...Everything are there for us to enjoy and for that we should be thankful to Him for giving us everything for us to survived on this blue planet...I believe we all should take a pause from time to time and say Thanks You my Lord for giving this life for us to enjoy...Personally I have been blessed with all the goodness that I need and for that my thanks are endless.....When I was training youth in leadership camp.. I use to related a particular story to get a message across ...And I believe those youth who heard it, must have in a way got the message, especially the philosophy of the story,thus improving their quality of life and venture on being successful,always...Let me relate it here for everyone who visit my blog...The story goes like this...Every morning an old man wait patiently for the bus to arrive for him take in order to proceed on with his daily journey...He has done it all the time...As usual sometime the bus arrive late and sometime on time and there are occasions that the scheduled bus arrived too early and because of it He missed that bus...It does not matter to Him...He waited for the next bus...All this time while waiting He never seen to be angry or frustrated with the arrival of the bus. He is always seen Happy...And as usual with such scene, He soon became an institution that are seen by many, always happy and smiling, come what may...He is always there waiting for the bus, every morning, smiling and it was a familiar sight for the others...One day a young man who is always unhappy with the schedule of the bus and always in a hurry and when He missed the bus would get angry...So one day this young man decided to ask this old man what is that He is always happy...The old man look at the young man and smile...Well my dear Sir, addressing this young man...He replied by saying that He has no reason to be unhappy, for He has just been given another day to live..He wake up this morning and was able to breath, that mean he is alive and kicking and therefore has no reason not to smile and continue to enjoy life...For He is already old and that today He is still around and living, He has been given another day to live and enjoy his life, must he fret all days, not sure that He would be given another day to live..He is actually making Hays while the sun shine..He continue tell the young man...Why should I be sad or angry or frustrated and waste my life for all the days..You are still young but you are not sure you would be around tomorrow or the next second, so I believe that we should take all the time that are give to us to enjoy..To enjoy the days start with a smile and say Thanks you God for giving me another day to live and then continue with your journey as thought your are going to live forever on this blue planet and at the same time remember that your time might be up any moment....So my advice to all say the old man...Get going with live with a smile and a thanks you to your creator for giving you another day to live and enjoy life....Give love and do all the goodness and you would have a wonderful life just like me...Soon the bus arrived, this time in time, He excuses himself and boarded the bus and proceed on his journey as usual...That my friends is the story that has been my philosophy of life...Let journey on, and enjoy life...

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