Saturday, May 07, 2005

Happy Mother Day

It is Mother Day again...So here is a greeting from me to all the Mothers...I guess We all actually never knew our mother until they are gone, personally to Me, where during my generation we do not have that many communication with our mother...Or for that matter our dad...Personally I had orders only from both of time and it was always a monologue, never had that chance to have a dialog like parents do now...I did have dialog with my children and now my grandchildren.... That is the present generation but during my dad and mom generation it was a different culture altogether... Well that was then and now the living culture of Malaysian have changes and it is indeed good for the family and the society...For example my spouse is everything to me...A mother to our kids. To me She is so many things, a Mother, a Wife, a friend and a lover and if you add the other parts she played in making the home a great place to live and enjoy life, the list are endless...So to Her and all those mothers everywhere, thanks you very much for making life so beautiful...Like the saying 'Mother knows best' Yes.. After living with one for more then forty years, I speak with wisdom for all those male of our species that without them life would be dull indeed...So be thankful that we have this female of our species that had made life so wonderful on this blue planet of ours...Cheers to all the Mothers on this auspicious day...The Mother day...

These ladies were comparing notes when I took this candid picture of them in our kitchen the other day...The one in white shirt in the centre is Nenek [grandma], the other two ladies are yet to be honor with the title Nenek......

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