Sunday, May 08, 2005


The say curiosity killed the cat...Well being a species that is suppose to be more intelligent then the cat, and were curious of Nilai 3, we decided to venture to find out for ourselves and be satisfied with our curiosity..In today's adventure, we thought that we should be careful about this curiosity of ours, lest we be disappointed...So with an open mind, we venture on this Sunday morning out of that curiosity to visit the famous Nilai 3 township, a sorts of a Factory outlet, like that you find in the USA...I love to visit those Factory Outlets and have visited many, as faraway as the one in Maine at the Canadian boarder...So the existence of an outlet of a sorts call the Nilai 3, sound interesting...We have indeed being curious of this place that many people have talk about. It is not that far from the city where we live and just off the Highway to the south...So today just before lunch we decided to take an adventure to the 'new' place.... We took the normal outer link road to the northsouth Highway and then proceed to look for this place call Nilai 3...The weather was just OK and the traffics was flowing, I drove the Accord at just below hundred kilometer an hour and enjoying the drive...After getting through the toll boot at Sungei Besi using the Smartag, we head to Nilai and since we had not being to this place before since the Highway was open, we look for the road sign and I am sure it is somewhere after the interchange that take you to KLIA [Kuala Lumpur International Airport], we pass the interchange and eventually found one on our left the sign showing Nilai...I took the road and stop at the toll boot and still looking for sign of Nilai 3....Well eventually we found the sign showing Nilai 3, I drove slowly and after getting lost a few times, because of poor road sign,we arrived at the site of the Nilai 3...It is a huge complex with many shops selling all sorts of things which includes textile, wooden furniture, craft, decorative items and almost everything else under the sun...The place were already crowded with shoppers and there were cars everywhere..The parking of cars were rather disorganized, with cars being park on both side of the streets, in what about manner they like...I look for a parking lot and found one and just parked the car there and then we went out to look for Whatever, for we had no clue of what we are looking for, except to get here and see for ourselves of what this Nilai 3 is all about...Thousand of shops and selling almost the same things but we found that most of the things sold are not to our liking, thus lost our interest in the shopping part of the trip...Since it is past lunch time, we decided to look for a place to eat and found a food court.. On looking I found the food court not to our desire, disorganized and not that clean...I look for the washroom and found one... Although I had to pay thirty cent to use it...It was not kept clean..I hate washroom that are not kept clean...So that its...The food court was in such a state that we decided to ask around whether there are other eating places that are clean and was told that there are a few good restaurant around ...We look for it and eventually found one, but again it is not to our liking, with litter strew all over the floor of the restaurant..It just look dirty...So we decided after looking around for a while to leave this place and head for the R % R beside the Highway to have our lunch.....It look like this would be my first and last visit to Nilai 3, like the Malay saying [Indah khabar dari rupa] it is not like what they say about this place...I believe that those of us who have set a high standard of our shopping culture would not like this place...So do we...Well life is like that... So we left the place with an understanding that there is nothing special about this place call Nilai 3....As the saying goes.. Nothing venture nothing gain...Curiosity brought us to Nilai 3...We have seen it and I leave to others who have not been there to judge it for themselves...Good Luck......


  1. Welcome to Malaysia. The poor mens version. The rich men versions are in KL, in Times Square, in KLCC, etc etc.

  2. pak idrus: i don't think that you went to the correct nilai 3. I guess you sesat nilai 1 or 2. Nilai 3 do not have shopping complex, just shop lots. Example: Carpet Rajah in Jln Tuanku Abdul Rahman has it's own outlet but with cheaper price (abt 40% less)... Dried flowers are even cheaper... don't ask me for other items coz I only fancy these 2 kalau pegi Nilai 3.

  3. Lias you are right, thanks, my world is still the KLCC...

    Shidah, We definitely went to Nilai 3, It is shop lots in rows, sorry for using the wrong word 'complex'..I use the word complex to mean all those shops lots..Well, Anyway it is not our kind shopping place..Shopping to me should be a pleasure and fun...Thanks.
