Thursday, April 21, 2005

Awang...That's the only name that I know, when I was a child growing up on the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia, I am known just as Awang to my family and my friends in the Kampong where we live...My Dad and Mom call me Awang and no other name, so are my brothers and sisters, they are call me by this name Awang. So to me I am Awang to all that I know...For I know not of any other name other then Awang until...I was taken by my father to be registered at a Malay school in Kuantan, the school was then known as Sekolah Melayu Teruntun, Kuantan...It is only at this school that I know that my real name is Idrus and not Awang...So I was enrolled in the school as Idrus and hence forth being call by this name in school and officially but at home among families members I am still call Awang and when I talk to my relatives I always refer myself as Awang and not Idrus....I like the name Awang but then officially it is not my name, I am officially known as Idrus...A name as stated in my birth certificate.....[ In those days all documents, like birth certificate were kept by your parent for safe keeping and you are not allow to see any of this documents, so to you it do not exist ]..Well as years goes on I just forgot about using this name except of course when I am among my own family, my sisters and brothers and all those old folks in my Kampong...Of late I began to tell my children and grandchildren of this names but then at this age being call Atuk and Abah became so beautiful and passionate and love...That I would just trade all the names in the world to be call just as Atuk, Abah, Pak Busu, Pak long, Pak Cik, Uncle, Pak Idrus, Pak Awang...At this period of my life being addressed in such a manners bring pride and honor that non could replaced...Coming back to the name Awang that was Me once,as a child growing up..It was just too nice then to be call by your loving parent by any other names...Today it is different, the child are told of their real names at an early age and some are even taught to spell His/Her name and when ask what is His/Her name, the little child would just say it in His/Her way out right, when ask what is the name of the mom and dad, they in that instance could say all...So and so binti [daughter of[ or bin [son of] so and so...During my time as a child, we do not even know the real name of our mother and father, we know them as Mak or Ibu and Ayah or Abah...Like the incident recently about my spouse, She is known as Mak Busu in her Kampong and when a relative want to send her an invitation card, they did not know her name, so they call and only then that they really know her real name ' the telephone conversation " Nama Mak Busu apa " an irony yet but true, that my dear friends is part of our culture...The same with my Sister and brother just their nick names...Only when it is time for schooling that we were told of the real name of our love one...But then that was the way of life then and now it is different all together....It look like in just three generation things has change a lots...anyway that is life, our species have indeed progress fast and in the process changes happen without us really noticing it, what during this imformation age...every information are share across the globe at the speed of light... Have a nice day....

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