Saturday, March 05, 2005

Once it was Bukit Ceraka and I think because the old Chinaman could not pronounced it properly..The taxi drive a Chinaman would just say Bukit Celaka, Celaka in Malay mean worse then bad, a bad omen of a sorts...So to make it easy for everyone to pronounced the name of this place it is changed to Bukit Cahaya...Which mean Bright Hill, Bukit is Hill...and Cahaya mean Bright...This set of virgin jungle in the state of Selangor was converted into a botanical garden of a sorts by one of the former Federal Government Agriculture Minister, who is always with ideas, sometimes it is out of this world..But most of the time his ideas are good and practical and because of his idea and dream,this Forest Reserved was turn into a Botanical Garden for all to enjoy the Floral and Fauna at its best..Thus the beginning of this Green in the heart of the state of Selangor and near the federal capital of Kuala Lumpur..But now it is another story all together, the areas around and near this Green have been destroyed for what they call 'development'and this was exposed by the local paper after the damage is done, so now the authority have come out with all sorts of explanations to explain for this debacle of such proportion, making the green into a desert and building concrete jungle around the vicinity of the Garden...Actually I am sick of such happening, destroying the green of nature, just for the sake of development...Why don't they develop other areas away from this Green or the Botanical Garden call Bukit Cahaya...We visit this Botanical Garden when it was first open and found it to be a great place to be, to wonder and learn about the richness of nature, the floral and fauna and the animals and insects are plentifully, the atmosphere cool and accommodating...It is not that far from the city and it makes a great site to drive and enjoy nature at its best..And later on I visited this area for the second time and this time I found most of the place were not maintain properly...I was sick seeing the place in such condition..But what can I do but complain and then I forgot about this place and now it is on the Headline in the local paper because of the development problems..I hope that this time with all the exposures that this botanical Garden had, those in charge should take care to manage this place professionally, so that it stay as a great place to visit and enjoy life....Bukit Cahaya and not Bukit Gelap..."Gelap" mean dark...Let this garden remain bright forever, so that the future generation have a place to enjoy nature at its best, not that far from the concrete jungle of the city....

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