Friday, March 04, 2005

The last time I saw a good Malaysian movie is the 'Spinning Gasing' and later I watch the 'Idola', both movies I found to be good, but it seem that the Malaysian public did not seem to like these films...Now Yasmin, the well know advertising figure with many good shorts advertisement seen on our local TV...came into the local movie scene...It was the Rabun and now Sepet..Both movies had problems with the local Film Censor Board, but was eventually released with cuts here and there....I had not see both her movies but according to review and the short I saw on Astro, both are good movies...It is movies of the real life of the Malaysian society...It has won many international award, that makes Malaysia proud..Yasmin's Sepet...I was the first director of Development and Promotion of Finas or the Malaysian National Film Board, set up in the early eighties and I know for sure that film making is no small task and at time it do not makes money at all, one reason is that the local market is so small and Malay speaking movie do not have large audience, so in order to make money in movie, those that want to go into movie production had to budget it extremely well if it is just for local cinemas but if a movie is made for the international market, then the economic of scale would make such venture a worthwhile effort..For a good movies would always find market if it is a product of quality...I understand the this movie Sepet by Yamin has got into the international market, good for Her and I hope that this movie would bring success to her group of film makers, thus would introduce the Malaysian movie to the world...Syabas to Yasmin...Keep on going and I believe you would succeed in your endeavors......

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