Wednesday, February 16, 2005

Well, well.. Yesterday I posted a note on my blog, enquiring as to what happen to my friend in the UK and guess what ?, today I received his email...It look like while I was writing my blog, this friend of mind was writing his email to me, probably both of us were on line, not in cyberspace but in another dimension, 'telepathy' I supposed...Anyway it was indeed great to hear that he is kicking and enjoying life..., the last time He told me that he is in hospital been poke around, aching his body all round...Well friend, it is like that at this age...Anyway I am happy that he is now his usual self, that what I 'read' in his mail, telepathy again I believe....On another subject of communication...I was wondering what has happen to the young couple that stayed with us for a while in December two zero zero four while on holiday in this country, after Malaysia they went to New Zealand and then I supposed back to their home in Europe...They must be having a long holiday indeed for up till yesterday I have yet to get news from them of their arrival back home, friends...This is already the middle of February two zero zero five and they are not yet back home!!...I wonder....Anyway after reading the mail from my friend in the UK, I received a note saying that there is a ecard waiting for me...So I pick the ecard and sure enough it is from this couple that had returned home, saying thanks to us....Well at least this put a closure of this 'missing' couple, there are back safely in their own environment....Friends that is live, things like this what's make life interesting.....Take care...

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