Tuesday, February 15, 2005

I have not been getting any news from my friend in the UK, hope that he is well and kicking...Enjoying his daily dose of the Malt...I send him a few mail but most are returned with a note saying that a virus has affect the receiver mail....What can I do except try to ask him what has actually happen, His reply that he has received some of my mail....But other then that I did not get any other news of his activities in London...They say that "No News is Good News" and I hope is it so...On other front, I am indeed glad that the Election in Iraq has gone well despite the fact that the country is still not stable...The result has been encouraging for a people that went to the poll for the first time in their live...The Iraqi now have a taste of Democracy and knew how nice it taste...I am sure that they would not want to go back to the former system of government where the people did not have any say...There is some similarity in the way the Election in Iraq and in Malaya [now Malaysia] was first introduce...Like Iraq, Malaya went to the poll for the first time when the country was occupied by the colonialist.. The first Election in Malaya was held in nineteen fifty five, two years before independence in nineteen fifty seven...And because it had given us a good system of government, we never look back but proceed and today we are a democratic country, that went to Election to elect our leaders every five years...With good governance, Malaysia have progress beyond the dream of its founding father....And I believe that Iraq would eventually succeed in introducing a democratic way of life for its people....This changes in Iraq could be the catalyst for a greater events in the Middle East in not too distance future...For Democracy is contagious...

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