Monday, December 27, 2004

Just a day after Christmas, we were watching the morning news on the TV and there were report of an earthquake somewhere off the sea north of Sumatra and the after shock were felt in Kuala Lumpur...Many residents living in high rising condo and apartments felt the tremor and soon everyone rush out of the building for safety..In Hospital patients were evacuate out of those high rising hospital wards...This is not normal to this country but then for the safety of all, no one takes any chance and for their own safety left their home in high rising building and seek refuge lower ground, As I watch I was wonder what has happen and continue to watch and soon over the international TV channels more and more news came to light as to what actually happened...Apparently there were an undersea earthquake and it was eight point nine of the richer scale, that means it is a big one. And soon there were news of Phuket, a holiday resort north of Penang was hit by tidal waves and many building were destroyed and life lost...If Phuket is hit then those coastal places in the north of the country and those island resort of Langkawi, Penang and Pangkor would be hit as well, but then there was no news whatsoever, I kept thinking of Langkawi which is just south of Phuket, for We had spend our holiday in this enchanting island last August and stay at a hotel just beside the beach...I had a hunch that Langkawi would also be hit by the Tsunami and true enough as the day progress we got news that it has hit the coastal area of the state of Kedah, Perlis and of course the island of Langkawi was hit as well and then a major news of the happening at all the beaches in Penang....Well soon the TV station keep focusing on this events all day and it look like many life were lost in Penang and those coastal area of Kedah and Perlis...To Malaysian it is a shock for such disaster seldom happen in this country....From the report this tsunami is the biggest that ever happen in this part of the world...When we went to bed that night the number of life lost in Malaysia stand at twenty eight dead....At midnight our daughter call from Cape Cod, USA, She heard of the disaster and decided to call home and told us that she heard on the news that the number of life lost in Malaysia at that time has increase to forty five...Well it look like they are getting better news then us over here....Well we chat a while and told her that we, in Kuala Lumpur are all ok we are all following the events and not to worry, ..........

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