Saturday, December 25, 2004

I sat there at the kopitian table typing this, it is just past one pm on Christmas Day, Saturday the twenty fifth of December two zero zero four..It is a bright sunny day, with patches of clouds all around the horizon, it is hot and humid as usual and there is not a sight of the rain, that had be on and off this month of December...My mind wonder carelessly to the wide world, for this morning I received a return e greeting card from a friend that live in the California desert, I have not heard from her for quite some time already and indeed was rather surprise to received this greeting card on this Christmas morning..In her short notes She say her spouse is not that well and that she would write more latter, at least the greeting card makes me happy, knowing that they are enjoying the days as usual..Especially on this Christmas day...As usual I did send e Christmas greeting cards to all my friends all over the world and this includes Mary, She added that Leo, her spouse is really not that well and need attention..... Well Mary, Life is like that and we all should be thankful that we have come this far in life and had enjoy the past and the present..., hoping that the future would be as good, if not better...Here in Malaysia, as usual Malaysian celebrate Christmas in our own way, the shopping complexes are fully decorated with those Christmas deco and this time at the KLCC, the purple Christmas tree is up again, looking more radiant then last year...Malaysian shopping Mall are always decorated for the occasions and just before this it was decorated for the Aidil Firti and then the Dewali and now it is for the Christmas, so to Malaysian walking into a mall always bring brightness all the time and actually it cheer me up...I guess it cheer up everyone and it created that happiness feeling...Malaysian love to celebrate and they would find all the excuses to celebrate, so with all the festival come and go, Malaysian of all races and religions would continue to find ways and means to celebrate, for it is our nature to enjoy the feeling good atmosphere that the country had offer..And this evening a special Christmas Open house would be held at the Petaling Jaya green where a special national Christmas celebration would be open to the public, it includes entertainment shows and food spreads to cater for all that attends this events...It would be graced by the presents of the King and Queen [the Yang dipertuan Agong and Permaisuri Agong] of Malaysia, together with others dignitaries, making its an events of pomp and splendor fits for the King.. Events like these are held on all the national religious festival of the multi religious people of Malaysia and tonight it is a special for the Christian community to celebrate in style and in the Malaysian way...A cultural event that we Malaysian call it the 'open house'...It is our way of celebrating each other religious festival and making it a Malaysian one, for all of us to enjoy and be merry...With the national harmony comes prosperity and with that came the good living of its citizen...Malaysian on this Saturday celebrate Christmas with hopes that the country would continue to proper and live would be peaceful all the time...Merry Christmas to all and do have a great time....

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