Monday, October 04, 2004

There are so many things in life that we really do not know....Sometime things just happen and it changes our life....Another time, someone you had not met physically who live in distance land seem to be close to you, it is as though you had met before, it is like that, I believe that since we human are a spiritual being, our spirit would travel and communicate at close range, thus it created the way we felt about each other...In the days of our forefather, where science and technology was non existence, human use to communicate in so many different ways, by using tools such as drums, horns or other musical instrument to sent messages to distance places, we also know some of the wise people of those days could project their mind to distance land to send message or to heal a patience....It is indeed strange that people get cured after been heal by the traditional healer...When I was growing up on the east coast, there were not many doctors around and when the village folks get sick, the always get treatment from the local healer we call dukuk, pawang, bomoh and in most cases people are cured from their sickness....How it is done is something that I just could not understand at that time and now at this age I am beginning to understand a little bid and believe that what our wise forefather did was that they had a way to communicate with the spirit and found means to cure that they knew at that time and they did it because it was necessary then and they never did it as a business, rather it is done as a social services to their community....When I was just a growing up as a child, whenever someone in the home get sick, I would be ask to call the local dukun to cure the sick...I would run to the healer's house and ask him to come over to the house....His answer would always be 'Yes He would come' and that I should just go home and wait for him to arrive....In the meantime, while waiting, the house prepared his usual needs, a bowl of cold water, a few limes, some pop rice and some bitter nut leaves, so that when He arrived He would just start doing his things to treat the patience...Incant is burned and He would cut the lime into two and then look at it, and then he would throw some pop rice into the bowl of water and gazed at it while chanting some verses and then he would chant some verses into some plain water and at the same time say prayer to the sick and later on ask the patients to drink the cold water that he had prayed....And then he would say good bye and left for his home....The house owner thanks him and as usual the sick get cured from whatever sickness.....I believe that these wise old healer use a sort of a communication tool, they had found a way to communicate with the spirit world....Like what science did now in radio communication.....How they did it I just could not find an answer as yet.....With the help of the spirit, the process of healing worked....This sorts of ritual goes on and on in our village until the coming of modern medicine and doctors.....Well life soon changes and as years goes by there were less and less of the dukun and as we progress more and more people go to the western trained doctor for treatment when they get sick.....Well life goes on......Since the old way work well during its times, I think that the modern science should studies this traditional healers and find out the way or the method these wise old man did it and together with today medical science we could achieve more to improve our quality of health service, thus improving the quality of life as well.....

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