Friday, October 01, 2004

It is the first of October and we are getting to the last quarter of the year two zero zero four, see how time passes, Hardly you know it, it is already October and life goes on....I have been blogging for more then a year already and happy to do just that....With blogging I get thing our of my mind and it free me of thoughts that would otherwise would go to waste...By writing my thoughts I hope to share it with anyone that visit my blog, hoping that my thoughts would in some way bring knowledge and perhaps happiness to those that read it.... Much as I love to write, it is my hope that those who read it enjoy it as well...Or at least get some information about the life of a person in his golden age... Friends....We all are just passing through this life and all along our journey of life, we would accumulated information that in some way enrich our life...In my case I had a great journey so far and throughout the journey, which had been an adventure of a sorts, I had gain more knowledge and with the knowledge it has enrich my life, the life of my love one and those of my friends, here in Malaysia and those that live in other countries around the globe....Thanks to the internet and blogger...The sharing had been made possible through this blog... Once a friend say that we all should have a colorful life...I agreed.. For what is life if it is just in black and white... So as I proceed along I had enjoyed living by trying to color the episode of my life... First it was those days what you are just a child... Careless of the world around you and enjoy doing things that you would remember the rest of you life, then came the period of schooling.... You wish you do not have to go to school but then had it not been for your parents....You would not be what you are today.....Schooling give you valuable knowledge and there your makes many friends and when you end your schooling, you leave with a pack of knowledge, that became the basic for the future accumulation of further knowledge, which are very important indeed for us to continue on with life....When we are young we seldom get the message that our parents try to give...Like any child....We thence to take it easy but then parents are parents...They always want the best for their child, but at that time children would never understand that, only later on in life would they realized and thanks their parents for pushing them into the beginning of their journey in life.....And then came Youth, to me it is the most challenging and interesting time in my journey, an adventure that I wish that I would do it all over again if given the chance....It is the real life challenge among your peers and thing that you do together in search of adventure...What a life youth is and mine had been real colorful.... To the young, my advise is not to waste this period of your life, you go through it once and if makes a mess of it, then your future would be not that good, but if you use it wisely then your future would be as productive as ever......It is a period where we are full of energy and not afraid to do anything or face challenges, it is a period that you will to take the risk and venture on, for noting venture nothing gain, you might not be successful in some of you venture but then life if not all success,it includes failure as well...Look at all those failure as a hiccup in life, like falling down, if you do not fall, how do you know how to get up... I use to tell the young in leadership training programs, that falling is so that you know how to get up....So learn from the experiences and take is as an asset rather then liabilities..... To me when I was in my youth, I had this sorts of a motto ' nothing if impossible to a willing mind ' and with that I have lead a very adventurous life and enjoy every minute of it.... I am not saying that all the time I had been successful, I had my share of disappointment and failure but it has never been my nature to fret or lament over those failure.....Frustrated yes.....But then we are human right!!....We have emotion and we have the right to be emotional at some hiccup in your journey of life....Life is like that...It could not be smooth all the way, it is the small detour and setback and the up and down that makes one life colorful....As you progress along you learn and with additional knowledge you proceed on and get to your goal, with satisfaction..... It is during the period of youth that you get to know someone, that eventually be your life partner, a person that would share the up and down of your life as you proceed.... In a way you get married and have children and that my friend is another interesting part of life.....I shall talk about this later on as we go on......In the meantime if you happen to be in your youth....Makes hay while the sun shine and believe me you would never regret if you use your time in productive venture......Have a nice day...

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