Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Well we are at the end of September and the weather is getting a bit cooler, with rain from time to time...But then in the tropic it is always like that...It cool for a time but it is humid as usual...Humidity is good to a certain extend, it keep your skin moist, that is why Asian skin do not wrinkle fast...People look younger then their age if one compare to those of the same age that live in the temperate. Being in the tropic one do not have to bother to have heavy clothing to keep them warm, for the temperature is all the time constant ranging from twenty six Celsius in the early morning to thirty five degree Celsius in the mid day....It is hot and humid but then if you had live all your life in this condition, it is just second nature to live and enjoy the atmosphere...The vegetation are always green, in all the shade of green, and flowers blooms all the year around, so the tropics in a word is all the time colorful and have that gay atmosphere....Soon the northeast monsoon rain and wind would start to blow from the northeast and some places on the east coast would be flooded, an end of the year affair with the rain and wind, it has been like this all the time and where I grew up in the coastal area of the east coast, when it rain and flood...It became a sort of a festival for us kid...We would play in the rain and enjoy the rain like there are no tomorrow..It is always fun to bath in the rain and at time play in the poodle of water makes my the monsoon rain...For at that time there are no such thing as a swimming pool, our pool are the river and the pond that came about by the heavy rain during the monsoon....Life is like that in those day and since there was no pollution, the rain water is always fresh....But now it is not the same anymore, because of development, rain would bring flood and would disturb the life of the local population, unlike before where the rain bring a festive mood to the population... While writing this I am thinking of my friend that live in the California desert, what has happen to her, has she got a new home that she was looking in Arizona and had start to settle down or what...Anyway no news is good news...I wish her well and hope that she found a new home and continue to enjoy life in her golden age... Have a nice day....

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