Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Garden in the city...We live in a sort of a link house in a housing garden call Ampang Jaya...Not that far away from the city centre...Actually it is just a three minute drive from the KLCC by the elevated highway..Before this new road was built, it would take sometime up to forty five minutes to get from our house to the center of the city...We had to take the Jalan[road]Ampang and if you use the road in the morning or after office hours, then it would takes hours to get from the city center to Ampang Jaya...Now with the new elevated highway it is just simple, you pay a toll of about fifty cents[US] one way...And you could drive straight to parking lot under the KLCC [The Patronas Twin Tower]... Since the elevated highway was open a few years ago, getting to an fro the city has never been that easy...It has been smooth all the way...Well that is progress, with proper planning and enough fun anything is possible in this country...This morning I start to redo our small garden, a sorts of re landscaping the small area in front of our house....I had the plan in my mind, so this morning it was just easy...Start with what I had planned...Clean all the small pots that I had water plant in it, rearranged the whole area and after about three hours of sweating... Voila I had a new look of my small garden...Living in the city one had to be smart in using whatever space we have, so as to get the maximum benefit from it, thus improving the quality of our living space... I tried to do this from time to time, so that the scene of my small garden is not that monotonous...Well life is like that...things had to be change from to time to time, so as to give us a better view of things....That is the way to live and enjoy life...Things should never remain the same...A little changes here and there makes lots of difference, with ingenuity and some sweating the outcome could be wonderful....Have a nice day...

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