Tuesday, November 11, 2003

Went out this morning to do some shopping at the near by Mall, the whether was fine with clear blue sky but at this time of the year in the tropic the whether is a bid unpredictable, all of a sudden it may rain, not light rain or drizzle but a heavy shower which would drench you if you happen to be in an open space..... well that is the tropic at this time of the year, one minute it is clear blue sky and the other minutes it would be dark rain clouds and all of a sudden it pour, filing all the drains and at time the roads would floods for a moment, we call it flash flood here, since it just got flooded in a few moment and then subside.....In the east cost of peninsular Malaysia, where I grew up in the forties, this is the monsoon period, where it would rain for days without end with strong wind coming from the China sea, the whether would get rather cold for a period where sometime coconut oil would frozen, but to us children it was fun, to play in the rain and to swim in the flooded fields, that was then, but now with rapid development everywhere, shopping mall and housing estates sprung up everywhere, the floods that we once enjoy at the end of the year affair has became a sort of a danger zone, for housing estate's area would get flooded and this brought great inconvenience to the people....Cutting off trees and leveling of hills for development has it side effect and I guess this is one of it....floods and the destruction that came with it.......well when we tempered with nature, this is what we get......Well one thing in the tropic, we do not have to worry about the type of clothing to wear throughout the years since the temperature are all round constant between twenty six degree Celsius in the early morning to the highest thirty one degree Celsius in the mid day and it is always humid, since we are used to this kind of whether, it has never been uncomfortable for us and we actually enjoy this kind of whether......Except when we are in the house, a confined space of brick wall, then we would feel a bit uncomfortable, hot and humid, so to get around it we use fans a lots and now with the availability of air condition unit much cheaper they before, more and more houses are equipped with air condition, and in my home I have fully air condition it and use it only at night when we go to sleep, it give us more comfort to sleep the night away.....well that is progress and we are enjoying every minutes of it.......As for the shopping Mall, all are now air condition so are the Light rail transit, the city buses and the commuter train, so Malaysian are now living in a relative comfort all throughout the year.. and of course the cars are all air condition too.....so my friends this the modern tropical country with the comfort of the temperate climate....That's what technology is all about when use for the benefit of us human.......

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