Wednesday, November 12, 2003

Surfing the net the other day, I read a blog where an exited father announce his first born, a baby girl, it is indeed glad to hear of a new arrival and I know pretty well that these parent and others like them have great responsibilities as parent. I have gone through this and I know for sure that children are our greatest asset, the more children we have the better, but unfortunately some couple thence to have less and less children, my advise to them do have at least three and it would be better to have five, for I believe the present generation would easily be able to support the number of children and provide them with good parenthood. It is only when we grew old that we found, which is too late that having more children when we are young are good for our future, as well as the children's future and on the top of it you would be able to enjoy seeing the grandchildren grow as well......Grandchildren are such fun to have around and they are the joy of our golden age and to the grandma and grandpa it is indeed a bonus, which in turn makes our life so wonderful.......Sometime how you wished that you had grandchildren first, which we all know too well is an impossible thing....Anyway ask any grand's and you would surely get a glowing answer, that grandchild are indeed Godsend, that would cheer our golden age, days in and days out....In the midst of writing this, just got a news that a friend from a far just got her twelfth grandchild... I guess that these families are indeed enjoying every minutes of the arrival of this new bundle of joy...a baby boy... Another advise I would like to give to the new married couple is that do have children as early in the marriage as possible and then if they want to, they can decide to stop, this would give them time to enjoy raising their children while they are still young, I find that there are young couple keep postponing having children and some have children rather late and at time because of the prolong postponing they are not able to conceived and thus left them not be selfish, like want to enjoy first or the career first and then have children later, this actually would not really bring happiness to the new married couple, instead its in a way might ruin the marriage itself, for one factor that bind the marriage is actually the arrival of the new one to the family, for the arrival of a baby are not only a joy on arrival, it is also a joy to have around everyday of your family life, seeing them grow in front of your eyes are things that childless couple miss in their marriage life and remember you are only young once .....As far as Malaysian are concerned with the present prosperity it look like more and more young Malaysian are having a big family....I guess this augur well for the future of the country present the population of Malaysian is twenty three million and as any economist know this is not an economic population for a country, so the government is encouraging for a growth of the population, so that in not too distance future Malaysia would have a population of around seventy million and then it would be much easy for the country to plan the economic programs when local consumption would be one of the engine of growth of the economy and hence would makes Malaysia independent of out side factor in the growth of the wealth of the nation........Have a nice day.......

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