Tuesday, October 21, 2003

The way we view things. We all can be seeing the same images and reading the same thoughts, but the way our mind interpreted these images and these thoughts can be very different indeed, some might like it or some might just brush it a side as pure boring, or an image is ugly or just nice, these are the differences of how we human perceive things, some of us have preconceive ideas and prejudices toward something or some thoughts of others, and some are being programmed with a set of value from the time of their birth to accept or just to reject outright certain aspects of belief.... and they are dogmatic about it, so much so that other's belief are just rejected out right, with their mind set, set in stone.....and in the end, the same images and the same messages are received differently by different person, this is natural for we all are different. A work of arts would be considered a masterpiece to some and just ugly to others, but that's is arts, the way we interpreted images and thoughts depend very much on our intellectual level of thinking and the wisdom that comes with it, so as we develop to think and process information that we obtain, either by seeing an image or just by reading, we would eventually graduate to a better perspective of things, where once we just take an image or a thoughts as boring, we later changes our view and accept it as something that is thoughts provoking and in the process enriched our life, this is what evolution teaches us... we all evolve, we continue to change, hopefully for the better..and the process goes on and on......let me quote a simple incident which happen some time ago in our country Malaysia, it was during a major disaster, in the rumble of a collapse building, some one found a card and told another person that he has found an ATM card, well the second person in all the excitement, told the crowd around that they have found a card of a soldier, and that one of the person trap in the rumble is a soldier. The second man's naivety was that he assume ATM means Angkatan Tentera Malaysia [Malaysian Arm Forces] and as everyone who have a bank account know very well that ATM means Automatic Teller Machine, a card one use to drawn money from an ATM machine, so with all the embarrassment, the person in charge of the rescue operation had to put it right... as can be seen, a simple general knowledge, which we assume that everyone know, to someone that is not exposed to such knowledge, can make a grave mistake.......Well this is what the human mind are capable of doing if one is rather naive......In today's world we have to improve our knowledge if we are to get anywhere in this ever changing world, so that we get the right message all the time and be able to use these message to our advantages.......and in the process makes this world of ours a better place to live........

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