Monday, October 20, 2003

It is Monday again, it was drizzling and the ground was wet, soon it would dry away when the sun shine again, well in the tropic, it is never the same, but for sure we have the summer all through, the temperature are kept constant, the lowest being 26 degree Celsius, which normally at early morning before the sun rises and the temperature would rises as the days goes on and some time the temperature would rises as high as 35 degrees Celsius, well that is the tropic with rain and sunshine would come and go as it like. and it is humid, I guess this humidity that's what makes the skin look young much longer then their counterparts in the temperate climates in the west. Humidity has it up and down for the population, for it drains one energy quickly and making a short walk more difficult then in a temperate climate, one perspire more often in the tropic then in the temperate and as such one would sweat a lots and clothing would have to be change often in order to keep on fresh and healthy. Being born and bred up in this country, we all took for granted the weather and are use to the humidity. In fact we are fortunate, in that we do not have to use special clothing to keep living throughout the years, the weather are almost constant all throughout days and years, so one could wear the same types of clothing, mostly of cotton and light material all the time, no such thing as winter or spring clothing, it is just the same all through...That's makes it easy to live and much more economical then living in the temperate countries. With the sun always there and the rain off and on, it makes life as exciting as any where on the blue planet's of ours...Malaysia is a paradise by itself, with abundant natural resources and hard working populations, it has became a happy and prosperous country in this part of the world...with full employment and a life style comparable with that in the west, one could not ask for more, life is great and food is a Malaysian is indeed a fortunate lots...

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