Thursday, October 02, 2003

This morning I receive an email from a friend from the south, and he talk about snake, well personally I do not click well, when the subject of snake is brought up, anyway since my friend brought this subject and he quite often refer to some one he dislike or does not click well as snake, I thought that I should write about this subject, snake, well some people like snake and some people don't, and snake, all form and sizes are going to continue to live on this blue planet and share it with us, the human, we all have to learn to live with it some how, so I think the snake also think the same way, they have every right to live on this planet just like the human do, and to survived they have found their own way of life, away from us human and live in peace and harmony among itself, but as usual some time us human came in contact with it and this is where the problem lies, we human got excited and react at time wildly. An example the other day near my house, the kids playing football at a field nearby saw a snake and they call the fire brigade to come to take care of this small creature, well as usual the fire brigade came and too care of the snake, perhaps sent it to the zoo or released it somewhere else, I guess it is the same everywhere but we have not seen the snake call the fire brigade to take away the human at the play ground, after all the snake also have the same right to be there as well as the human, but it look like the human have more right and the story goes on and on with the snake been the victim and got taken away and not the human. Well that is life in this blue planet of ours. Coming back to the story of my friend from the south, he would say that at time, between the snake and human, if he had to kill, he would have to kill the human first, but killing human is murder and he would surely get into trouble with the law of the land, but then human nature is such that at time they lost their sense of direction and broke the law, so that is why we have the law and the police to see that human do not break the law, but no one talk about the right of the snake, don't it have right also, just like us human, may be the United Nation should take time to study and take some sort of stand regard other species that live in this planet, may be introduce a sort of special right for the other species that share this planet, I do not know, it worth a try, may be a new institution be set up by the UN, like the World Animals organisation or something, and once set up who are we going to nominated to head this organsation, an Elephant, Lion or the Snake or another human, since we are supposed to be more intelligent them the other species...Well what say you, my friend from the south, may be you can come out with a formula and in the mean time do not kill the snake or the particular human, stay cool ..........

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