Wednesday, October 01, 2003

It is another great day, here in Ampang, Malaysia. My blog has been upgraded by those good people at Blogger. I have being try to upgrade it for some time already, but due to technical reasons it was not possible, so I wrote to Blogger and the respond was fast and eventually they upgrade my blog as a courtesy. Many thanks to all those great people at Blogger, In my national language it is Terima Kasih [thank you], so Terima Kasih my friend. You all have made my day. As usual it has been a ritual writing this blog and I am enjoying it. At this golden age, with plenty of time to myself, writing blog have been a pleasure and an enjoyable way of putting my thoughts on the net and share it with those that stop by at my site. Much as I enjoyed writing, I hope those that read enjoy as well and here again my thanks to those people at Blogger that make this possible. I am from a age group that had seen it all, from the days where there was no electricity and running water, progressing to this day of the internet, where every things are there for the good of mankind, what an achievement to mankind. I hope with the achievement we all can share this globe with joy and laughter. From the feedbacks I have had from friends who have visited my blog, all says that they enjoyed reading and as for me it is indeed a satisfaction, that in a small way I have contribute to enriching the life of others that I came in contact through this blog. And all these was made possible by Blogger, thanks again my friends and have a nice day, may God bless you.

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