Tuesday, October 14, 2003

On surfing the net I found that many Malaysian have resort to Blog to write their thoughts, this is indeed a great way to put one thoughts into writing. At last Malaysian have found a new way of communicating their ideas and views of themselves, of the society, of this beloved country and the world and share these with others that visit their blog from time to time. To me the blog is a God send tools for us to released ourselves of the thoughts that was once trapped in our mind, it makes one feel real good once these thoughts are written and posted and exposed for everyone to read and respond. I notice that Malaysian from all ages and races have started writing Blog with great creativity. And with helps from people like aizuddin's vio link and striz's bolehblogs, the exposure have became wider and makes searching for other Malaysian Blog much easier, many thanks to those great people at VIO and Bolehblogs. From reading other's Blog one get to enjoy reading all kind of thoughts and at the same time get introduced to other Blogging tools, as well as other links in other countries. These other links have made Malaysian Blogs available to others in other parts of the world. It is great indeed to see more and more Malaysian especially of the present young generation getting into creative writing, it is only through creative writing that one could develop one's capacity to think and eventually be more innovative, which would eventually lead to a more open thinking and a changing mind set for the better. In a changing society like Malaysia, it is important that Malaysian open their minds wide open to new ideas and values so that they could integrated easily, not only among Malaysian but among the world communities as well, for we are now in a new millennium and live in a global communities, where boarder no longer exist and communication being that easy. For we are one of the global village in cyberspace and a part and parcel of the whole cyberspace communities or cybernation in the making. With the internet we can no longer live in isolation or we should, for today the opportunity are wide open for all of us where ever we live. Since the present generation are all exposed to this new technology at the same time, that means that we are for the first time, especially for Malaysian of all races could play on the same level playing fields, Malaysian can no longer blames each other that the opportunity to do commerce are not equal or that there are no opportunity at all, for today with good governance and great projects by the Government such as Cyberjaya , the sky is the only limit for all Malaysian to venture in this new arena call cyberspace or the Information and Computer Technology. As can be seen almost all the Blogs are hosted on an international Host company, mostly from the USA, and to those people that have take upon themselves to provides excellent service for us Bloggers, I say thanks you and hope that your noble endeavor would help to make this world of ours a better place to live. At the same time I hope that local Malaysian companies especially the Telekom Malaysia, Jaring, Maxis and the others could come out with a Blog hosting facilities within their ISP, so that Malaysian as well as international Blogger could host their site locally as well.....With that thanks to all that has help me to improved my blog and makes my life more interesting days after days.....ceria selalu.....

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