Monday, October 13, 2003

It is Sunday again and we decided to go out for lunch. It is a normal thing now for families to go our for lunch on Sunday, the kitchen are closed for a day and the maid are given a free day out, as we all know Malaysian families cannot do without a maid, so almost every Malaysian families now employed maids to help in the daily chore, taking care of the kids left at home for working spouses and as well to help to up keep the homes. There are now about a million maids working in Malaysian homes, they mostly came from neighboring countries like Indonesia and the Philippine. Well that is Malaysian today, during the period of my parent, the was no such thing as maid working in the house, but as we progress and both the husband and wife began to work, then the question of maid arise, so now we have maid and it look like Malaysian families cannot do without them, it has became a part of the Malaysian culture......well that is Malaysia, an ever changing society, with a standard of live at par to those in the now eating out especially on weekends have became a way of life for all Malaysian ...... I drove to the new Mall at Jalan ampang, this new Mall is called the Great Eastern Mall, an imposing building along the famous jalan ampang. It is now a landmark along jalan ampang and just not far away from the LRT station [the jelatik station], so it is an easy access for those that frequent the LRT. Actually since the operation of the LRT [Light Rail Transit] and the monorail, traveling to and around the city of Kuala Lumpur have never been that easy. it is a fast ride and one need not have to look for parking spaces, which we city dwellers had to do all the time when we get into the city, so with LRT, it is in a way solved some of the traffic problems of the city. Well today we decided not to get into the city but instead to have lunch at a new restaurant located in the Great Eastern Mall, we wanted to try the new dishes at the new Chicken Rice restaurant, so after parking the car at the basement, where there are ample parking spaces and the parking is free for the first two hours, we proceed to the new restaurant and had a sumptuous lunch of Chicken Rice......talking about chicken rice, it was once just a Malaysian Chinese food, prepared and consume only by the Chinese, but now it has became a sort of a Malaysian dish, love by all the Malaysian, the Malay, the Indian and the other ethnic communities that makes up Malaysian. In fact now the Malay have learn to cook this great chicken meals which was once an exclusive of the Malaysian Chinese. It is interesting to note that in this country, where eating out have become a culture, the Malaysian food menu have increased with all sort of food which at one time in our history was only eaten by one particular race, but now it has evolved and it taste has been so adjust to the meet the Malaysian palate. It is amazing that in such a short period of time, foods from various culture that makes the Malaysian national have become a national foods, loved by all Malaysian and the Chicken Rice is among the dishes that are love by all Malaysian. Where else in the world can one find varieties of foods that had evolved and became dishes that are love by all, local as well as those that visit this great country. Malaysia is now a country where one could find varieties of dishes that was once only found in other countries. Malaysian are fortunate in that now they could sample all the great food menu of the world, without ever venturing out side the country. It is indeed great.... and that is why eating have became a Malaysian past time let go Makan....

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