Thursday, February 12, 2015

Of Old Age and Forgetting...

I am 75 + years old. It is normal for folks of my age to forget things. So to be on the safe side I tried to remember wherever I leave or put things but in reality it not always that possible. Many times when I left something like my glasses to go and have a shower. After the shower I would be looking around for those glasses. It happened with other items too. You just forget the instance you put it down. Had it be in the house it is all right, you can always take times to look around but what if it happens outside the home, it going to be a nightmare looking for it. In this posting I am going to related what happened to me just a few weeks ago [January 21, 2015]. As usual after all the bills had arrived I would go to the nearest payment places at Ampang Point to makes payment. I never like to keep bills and makes payment at the last moment to ensure a smooth living. On that particular day I went to Ampang Point to make payment. First I went to the Bank nearby to get some cash for making all the payments. I then went first to make the first payment of an Astro bill at the Maxis shop there. After that went to makes payment at the Telecom Point nearby where bills could be paid using the Machine there. Before doing that I went into the building and sit on the bench to get the relevant bills to pay there. I took out an envelope that contains all the bills to be paid that day and from the envelope took out three bills to be paid at the Machine here. Normally I would ask the staff there to help to make payment using the Machine so as not to makes mistake keying the relevant numbers of the bills. The staff there all the time would help me. So for today I approach the counter and ask them for help as usual but this time instead of helping me to make payment using the Machine the staff says she would give me a number and that I could make all the payment manually at the counter. My number was call-up and I went to make payment. It was done in mere minutes. I thanks the cashier and immediately left the building to make payment of another batch of bills that could only be paid at the Post Office at the Ampang Point mall. I took a slow walk and went to the Post Office there. Took a number and while waiting I look for the six bills to be paid there and found to my dismay it was missing. I decided to trace where I had left the missing envelope with the six bills. Inside the envelope were only bills and no cash so I was not that worry but still had to find it so that I could settle it that day.  Although I was not that well that day I still take the time to look everywhere. I went and ask at all the places that I had stop whether they had seen the envelope with the bills inside it but at every place I was told they had not. Had they seen it they would have kept it so that when the owner came back it would be returned. I continue to think and trace. I believe I had left the envelope on the bench at the Telecom Point since it was there I took the envelope out of my sling bag and from the envelope I took out three bills and pay it manually at the counter. After paying I then left the building and move toward the Ampang Point mall where the Post Office is without realising that I had left the envelope with the rest of the bills on the bench there. it was only at the Post Office that I realised the envelope with the six bills was missing. After exhausting all means of finding that envelope I went home and start thinking of how to get copies of the missing bills and get it paid later. There is no use fretting about this as at this age forgetting in mere seconds could happen. So as not to get depressed I forget about it and move on. Well folks at this age forgetting things have become a norm so it is wise to be just extra careful of things that one carry especially when going out. Ageing is like that and we have to take it as a fact of life and move on. 

Have a nice day.


  1. I can't agree more with you, bearing in mind I am your senior, my friend.

  2. Pakcik Idrus...dah dekat la dengan rumah saya...Taman Cahaya...nevertheless I too forgot where I put things...for instance kalau office access card saya tak tergantung dileher, maka kelam kabut lah saya mencari bila nak keluar ataupun masuk office. Reading glass saya tidak diikat makanya selalu cari tak jumpa. Isteri saya berseloroh mencadangkan agar ia juga diikat dan digantung. Jawapan saya kalau semuanya nak diikat dan digantng maka penuhlah leher saya nanti...We had a good laugh!

  3. Al-Manar, Pokcik Hassan thanks for the visit and the good words.

    Have a nice day. Take care.

  4. Uncle, thanks for the visit and sharing your humorous thoughts on the subject of this posting. Well life is like that. The beauty is that we could still remember vividly the memories of our childhood. So did you hang any other tags today!

    Have a nice day and take care.

  5. Why not pay online?
    For someone who writes such an interesting blog, that should be a cinch. No more visiting so many places and queuing and carrying all that money around.
    Unless you want to make the visit to all those joints a part of your social outings!!

  6. Mr Bojangles thanks for the visit and sharing your thoughts on the subject of this posting.

    Well I have thought about going on line but for now I would do it manual. It give me the opportunity to go out. I must go out; drive, walk and meet people once a while to continue to stay healthy. And one way of dong this is to go and do the ritual of paying bills every months. In a way it fun to meet the real people in the physical world.

    Have a nice day.

  7. baru baca ni, hopefully semuanya ok and settle semuanya. :)

  8. cacah, thanks for the visit. Well life is like that... and paying bills is norm now. Take care.
