Saturday, November 15, 2014

Merbah bird and the Nona fruits.....

I love to hear the chirping of birds especially in the early morning. The other day a Merbah bird was enjoying the Buah Nona [Custard Apple] on the tree behind the house. We always keep some ripe one for the birds. Asmah saw it and call me; she say there is a bird enjoying the fruits on the tree. I went to take my DSLR and took thirteen shots using the telephoto lens from inside the house. It was not that easy to get good shots since there is a grill on the other sides of the kitchen window. Moreover even a little noise would makes the birds fly away. So as quiet as possible I aimed the camera and took as many shots as possible. Out of the thirteen shots only two shots came out great. I am sharing it here for all to enjoy. 

Have a nice day.

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