Monday, October 06, 2014

Of Soya Beans @ Tofu @ Tempe....

Soya beans have been around for thousands of years. In the East especially China the Chinese have turn this wonder beans into many kind of foods; solid, semi-solid and drink like the Tofu, Tocu, Soy milk and the like. On the island of Java the Javanese on the other hand has created a unique food that is known as Tempe. Tempe is a fermented soya bean originally wrapped in leaves especially the banana leaves. Now most are wrapped in plastic. Like all the creation of the Chinese the Tempe is a nutritious food. Our family love soy produce like Tofu, Tocu as well as Tempe and never a day that we are not without these wonder vegetables. Even the young still in its Green Pot is lovely to be boiled and enjoyed just like that. In short the Soya bean is one bean that is packed with nutrition which provides nutrition for a healthy living; a wonder vegetable indeed. 

Above is a bowl of the Tofu dish cooked with the Tocu; it’s not only nutritious but healthy as well. It such a simple food that could be done in minutes and goes well with a steam white rice. I love it. 

Have a nice day.

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